
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: October, 2018

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

Oct 31, 2018

Hello Misfit Nation! Welcome to another edition of "Lessons for Hannah!"

In November of 2016, we introduced a new format that we are putting alongside our regular episodes called “Lessons for Hannah.” Hannah is my daughter and one of the main inspirations for the Misfit Entrepreneur. I wanted to have a place where she could go and learn from her daddy and his Misfit friends throughout her life….even after I am gone. If you haven’t listened to the first episode of "Lessons for Hannah," I urge you to as it gives some more background and tells the amazing story of how Hannah came to be in our lives.

"Lessons for Hannah" are short, very useful, and sometimes comical lessons, that I have learned which I want to share with you and give to Hannah to help in your lives. Because I want Hannah to have these for her life, I’m going to speak as though I am talking directly to her. These episodes are a lot of fun and if you think there is a lesson that we should include in these episodes, please don’t hesitate to send it over to us at We’d love to share it.

This week’s Lesson for Hannah

Hannah, I want to talk to you about mistakes. As you go through life, you will make many mistakes. You simply cannot avoid them. You will fail. It is part of life and what makes each person’s journey unique. This is OK. It is not a bad thing at all. You’ve heard me say to you over and over that it is OK to make a mistake or fail, but what did you learn about it?

And of course, finishing this sentence, “What do we do when we fall….” That’s right, we get back up. We keep getting back up. But, I want you to know – no matter how many mistakes you make and failures that you have, you can always overcome them. You can always make a comeback.

I was reminded of this recently when we had a guest speaker come to our Grow Thrive Revive event. His name was Rob Decker and he told an incredible story of stubbornness, failure, and redemption.

Rob, grew up with a rough family life where even his dad would not acknowledge him as his son. He started drinking and doing drugs at a very young age, but ironically also bodybuilding. Talk about an example of looking good on the outside but destroying yourself on the inside. Rob, also ran with a rough crowd and with people that would drag him down. He went through everything from arrests to bad relationships to dealing drugs. In fact, in one of his darkest moments after a fight with a girlfriend, who called the police and lied about what had happened, he actually gave up on life and threw himself out of a 3rd story window. He thought it would kill him, but he bounced off an awning landing in a way that broke his back and a bunch of other things but did not kill him.

When he came awake in the hospital, the cops were there to arrest him. But as he spent the next few days in the hospital chained to a bed, he spoke to the police and the police started to investigate finding out that he was actually not guilty and dropped his arrest.

But, he still had problems. He got out, healed, and started to get his life back together, but he could not quit drinking. In fact, a few years later he was driving after drinking, totaled his car and took off from the scene. He hid for a whole night under a porch where he prayed to God that if he could just get out of the trouble he was in, he would change everything. He would quit drinking, clean himself up, and devote his life to good.

And in fact, through some miracle, he did not get into trouble. And finally, after all the years of screwing up, getting into trouble, abusing his body, and destroying relationships, he finally got the message, got help, and devoted himself to the promise he made to god. He now has a wonderful family, travels telling his story and the lessons learned, and has a personal training business in Colorado Springs.

Rob was stubborn. It took many more years and mistakes than it should have for him to learn his lessons, but he eventually did learn the lessons. The message I want you to take away from his story is first, make it a point to learn from your mistakes and failure when they happen and make meaningful changes if needed. Don’t put them off because if you do when you finally have to confront them, they will be much worse and harder to correct than if you had confronted them in the first place. Second, even if you don’t learn your lesson the first time, or the next 20 times, if you are willing, you can still learn it and always find redemption. You can always overcome your mistakes and failures. Even when things seem the bleakest and darkest, there is a healthy way out. You may have to ask for help, but you can do it. The human spirit is strong and has the potential to overcome so much.

Always keep that in mind as you go through your life. You will make mistakes and you will fail, but you can always learn, grow, and come back from it – many times even stronger than you were before. Believe in that and believe in yourself.

I love you, Daddy


Best Quote: “You will make mistakes and you will fail, but you can always learn, grow, and come back from it – many times even stronger than you were before. Believe in that and believe in yourself.."


Misfit 3:

  1. Mistakes and failures are inevitable in life. They key is to grow yourself so you learn from them quickly and make meaningful changes.
  2. Don’t learning from your mistakes and failures off, because if you do, when you finally have to confront them, they will be much worse and harder to correct than if you had confronted them in the first place.
  3. Believe in yourself and your spirit to overcome things in a healthy way – not a destructive one. Resolve to never choose the destructive path.
Oct 24, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Ali Boone. Ali is the founder of Hipster Investments - a company that creates turnkey real estate investment for buyers. When I met Ali, I was really impressed with her story…she started out as an aerospace engineer and found her way into building wealth in the real estate markets.

She then took everything she learned and the connection she made it and turned it in Hipster investments where people that want to invest in real estate, but don’t want to manage properties or worry about the day to day can invest and make money, but leave the management to the pros.

Hipster is ranked as one of the top Real Estate investment websites to follow for 2018 and has been featured everywhere from FOX Business to the Motley Fool.

Ali didn’t start out on a path to investing in real estate or creating a business but found her way there and it’s the lessons she has learned that I can’t wait for her to share with you today.

Ali’s background is in Aerospace engineering and she spent over 5 years in the space as a top secret flight test engineer. She has what people perceive to be a “dream job.” She had a great salary, etc., but something was missing. When stepped foot in her cubicle each day, she knew that she was destined for something more.

From the time she was a kid, she had always wanted to be her own boss and lead her own life. She was always very independent and even during her time as an engineer, she was exploring and looking for her way out.

She looked at all kinds of mediums but found she could invest in real estate while she worked and grew it to a point where she could leave and go on her own.

Now, she lives the life she wants on her terms.

How did you know when its time to make the leap and leave your job?

• Don’t just follow your passion – some things are better left as hobbies

• Find the thing that works and organically happens

• Start building your income on the side

• Make sure that your “thing” is somewhat established

• Save money and build a nest egg if you can – but run things like you don’t have it.

• No matter what, there will be some element of missing security

How did you start into real estate?

• It was going to be either a business or real estate for Ali

• She originally decided to start a business

• She came across a webinar for real estate and attended

• This sparked things for her and she even able to network with the people who put on the webinar and still works with them today

• She followed them during the 2008 crash and started investing in “turn-key” rental properties

• She found a niche in turn key rentals

• She has found how to outsource much of the aspects of the business around managing properties

Tell us about Hipster…How do you do what you do?

• Turn keys can sound to good be true

• Ali works with “Turn key” companies that work in specific markets that have good inventory, but also support a healthy expense to rent ratio so they can truly cash flow.

• These companies go out and buy properties in bulk and get the lowest price possible.

• They do all the rehab, if needed, source and find tenants, and rent the property

• Investors can then buy the properties from companies like Hipster

• No, they are not totally “hands off.” You can still have tenants that don’t work out and have to manage your property manager around things. You still need your head attached. But as far as real estate investing goes, turn key managed property takes the bulk of the issues off your plate.

• At it’s core, Hipster is a boutique referral company for these types of investments, but holds clients hands through the whole buying process and supports them as client-owners.

At the 22 min mark, Ali talks about what makes a great real estate investment…

• It’s all about the numbers

• About 80% of properties make terrible investments

• You really have to understand where you are going to make the money

• Are you investing for cash flow or for appreciation through flipping?

• Find the thing that works best for you in your life situation.

• Make sure to understand the expenses – Mortgage, taxes, maintenance, repairs, property management. Don’t estimate – get actuals

• Make sure to get a realistic rental income number for your market and area

• Focus on positive cash flow as appreciation is not guaranteed – it’s a bonus

• Most properties don’t cash flow which is why the numbers are so important.

What are your thoughts of the current market in 2018-2019?

• We are close to peak pricing. It’s not as easy right now. You are looking for things to go on-sale and that is hard right now, but deals do still exist. •

Wherever the market is, you need to find out how to make it work

. • Right now, the markets Ali says are most appealing are Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland. A lot of Midwest.

• But, Hipster only works in growth markets. For example, Detroit is in the Midwest, but not currently a growth market in their model.

What have you learned from buying real estate that translates to business and life?

• The idea of control is tougher as an entrepreneur or property owner

• You cannot always control what is going to happen or plan for it

• You have the best you can do at what you can each day

• We don’t have control over much, except for our attitude and our effort

• Be present and ready for what comes at you

Top 3 things entrepreneurs need to succeed in today’s world?

• Open mindedness.

• You have to realize that it is a rollercoaster ride and be ok with it.

• Self-awareness. Keep learning about yourself and what is best for how you operate.

At the 45 min mark, Ali challenges Tim Ferris to a “lifestyle design” duel…


Best Quote: “Don’t’ take advice from people you wouldn’t trade shoes with…”


Ali's Misfit 3:

1. “Don’t’ take advice from people you wouldn’t trade shoes with…” find the people who are doing what you want to do and get advice from them.

2. Strive to follow what happens organically for you.

3. There are 3 currencies: Money, Time, and Sanity. Which ones are you willing to sacrifice for the others?

Oct 17, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Zach Benson. Zach is the CEO and founder of one of my favorite services and sponsor of the show, Assistagram. Assitagram creates campaigns that helps people get their message out to millions on a daily basis. I have to say, as a client, their teams are amazing.

Zach is also a TEDX speaker and world renowned, award winning dancer. The thing that I absolutely love most about Zach is how he has designed his life. Zach travels the world living where he wants when he wants helping people grow their business and message with Assistagram and also teaching dance workshops. In today’s episode, I not only want him to share his best Instagram success hacks, but also teach how you can design the life you deserve.

It all started with dance. In high school, Zach got a DVD on breakdancing and started practicing. He began to win competitions and made it on So You Think it Can Dance. Now, he teaches dance clinics all over the world.

How did you design your life and make it possible?

  • He saw other dancers that tried out multiple times for things So You Think You Can Dance and over time make it. He took a lesson to never give up from them.
  • He also dreamed big as a kid and put together what he wanted his life to be.
  • A producer for SYTYCD gave him the idea and advice on how to go teach dance clinics around the world and leverage his stardom that way.

What did you have to do to make it happen?

  • Zach is more impulsive
  • He takes action on things he wants to do and doesn’t think too much about it
  • But he also seeks and finds people who have been there and done that- and listened to them, taking their best advice and putting it to use.
  • In the beginning, he got a lot of no’s before getting to his first yes on teaching a dance clinic.
  • He changed his business model to start offering really cheap rates to get in the door at places.
  • From there, he used his experience and relationships to build great relationships that could reference him and grew from there – upping his rates as he got more consistent.
  • Playing the long game is important.

You mentioned being more impulsive in your younger years. Are you still that way today?

  • Things have changed. He still embraces taking initiative.
  • “I’d rather burnout than restout and take advantage of opportunities when they come up…”

What advice would give people to go out and create the life they deserve?

  • You need to know what you need to be happy. Zach volunteered to live on $2 a day for food to help a cause and learn what really matters to be happy.
  • Whatever it is that fulfills you – you need to know. If it is a lot of money, great. If not, ok too. But know what it is.
  • Self-educate and keep going
  • Play the long game and outlast
  • People give up to close to their success

What have you learned about life and success by traveling abroad and working throughout the world?

  • That people matter most and to put them first. 
  • For Zach, traveling helps him grow. He gets to expand his network, see how others live, learn other cultures, and network with other entrepreneurs.
  • Life is all about people and relationships. All it takes is a simple question or compliment to create a conversation that turn into a huge opportunity.
  • Be curious

How do you travel and get to stay at 5-Star hotel for free?

  • Through the power of Instagram
  • 5 years ago, he bought an Instagram account with 400,000 followers
  • From there, he started to grow it and build up the empire
  • Businesses don’t know that much about social media marketing on platforms such as Instagram.
  • Instead of negotiating a free to stay by just posting about it to his following, Zach offers to teach them how to improve their Instagram accounts and their footprint.

What is the process of how you do it? Do you need to have a massive following?

  • Zach has a step by step process in his Tribe Influencer academy
  • You don’t need a big personal brand
  • You don’t need a huge network
  • Think of something you have of value that a hotel can use such as a specific skill or process
  • Use that as an offering and do a barter with them
  • Make sure to have a clear offer of what you will do and what it will do for them
  • You can do this with all hotels.
  • It starts with an email to the reservations department
  • Then follow up with phone call and ask to speak to the sales and marketing director for the property
  • Then pitch them
  • Usually the training last about 1 hour

At the 23 min mark, Zach talks about why Instagram is such an important medium to use for business in today’s age.

  • The attention shift from Facebook to Instagram is happening faster than ever.
  • It is the fastest growing and most engaging platform in the world with almost 1 billion users
  • Twitter and Snapchat are dead
  • Instagram gives you more organic reach than Facebook
  • Now is the time to get on the platform.

Top 3 things people need to do to succeed on Instagram?

  • If you are going to start – build a page/account around passions, something you are really into and interested in.
  • By looking at what other accounts do in your focus, you can learn what they do to be successful and even reach out to them.
  • You can also buy an Instagram account, a niche page. You can growth hack your business with it.

What is the best way to grow a following on Instagram?

  • Utilizing engagement groups is one of the best ways
  • Engagement groups should be larger and have high quality
  • Doing manual follow and unfollow is another, but can be damaging if you don’t know what you are doing.
  • Post 4-6 times per day

How do you get people to go from following and engaging to buying?

  • First, you need to become a legit brand which is a minimum of 10k followers o This gives you credibility
  • In looking legit, it will attract more followers and engagement
  • This helps you rank higher and helps you to show more in key words and top posts
  • Once you have a larger following – you can collaborate with other influencers
  • Then you need to make sure you have your online and offline sales process in place and dialed in.

At the 32 min mark, Zach gives some hacks for optimizing your profile and his free Growth Hacking Guide which you can get at

  • An easy SEO hack is putting key words in your short bio that when searched for will lead to your profile
  • Research your hashtags very well. Look for hashtags that don’t have millions of posts. Instead focus on hashtags that have smaller amounts of posts.
  • Look for ones with 10-20k posts which will allow you to get noticed more often

What is your best advice for entrepreneurs to be successful in business today?

  • You need to remember that it is all about timing
  • Knowing and respecting people’s timing and make sure you are there when the timing is right.


Best Quote: “I’d rather burn-out than rest-out and take advantage of opportunities when they come up….”


Zach's Misfit 3:

1. Read books and find mentors. Grow yourself.

2. The ones who make the most mistakes grows the fastest

3. Stay consistent in every area of your life you can. The small things add up to big results.

Oct 10, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneurs are Ben and Laura Harrison. Ben and Laura are the founders of Jonas Paul Eyewear. The company has been featured everywhere from the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Harvard Business Review, to even a full segment about the company on NBC news.

Jonas Paul specializes in fashionable and stylish glasses for children…

Like a lot of Misfit Entrepreneurs, we’ve had on the show, Ben and Laura didn’t start out as eyewear entrepreneurs. Instead they encountered a problem and endeavored to find a solution to help their son, Jonas Paul. Through this - a mission and a company were born.

Nowadays, Jonas Paul helps children all over the world feel beautiful in their glass and gives a portion of every sale to help provide sight to children in need. Ben and Laura have a truly remarkable story and an incredible amount of useful experience and wisdom to share.

Ben and Laura call themselves “recovering serial entrepreneurs.” Ben and Laura met in college. Ben was focused on work as a photographer and Laura on communications. They decided to grow the photography business to become destination photographers. In addition, the launched resources online for other photographers. Things were good. After 7 years of marriage, they decided to have a child. Everything seemed fine up until their child, Jonas Paul was born.

Laura ended up having to have an emergency c-section. When they brought Jonas over to her, the first words out of her mouth were, “Does he have pupils?” Since he was just born, they dismissed it. But over the next few days reality began to set in. Jonas was born blind and was diagnosed with Peter’s anomaly, a very rare sight condition. It was very overwhelming as new parents to come to grips with how their child will not be able to see or even see their faces.

They went on an extensive journey in which by the age of 5, Jonas has had 22 eye surgeries to give him some aspect of sight and 4 cornea transplants that have all failed.

As this went on, Ben started searching for stylish eyewear for Jonas, so he could look cool in the glasses he needed to see what he could. Jonas was only 2 weeks old, but Ben was searching for something to combat his helplessness. The search became an outlet and a mission that morphed into creating stylish eyewear for kids because there was nothing out there. They started on Alibaba with some designs and found a manufacturer.

How did you launch the business?

  • They had always been in the digital download space, so going into selling a productive with FDA restrictions and everything else was an unknown.
  • They hacked together a WordPress site to get something up to have a brand.
  • They used their photography background to help in crafting the image for the brand and also creating the right design.
  • They went through 3 different rounds of samples before they got one right.
  • Once the found some frames that seemed right, they moved to launch.
  • They just sold through their website and used their SEO experience to help organic traffic.
  • It didn’t take off right away. It has been a grind.
  • They used the feedback to start tweaking things and were OK taking it slow.

What was your tipping point where you started to see massive growth?

  • There hasn’t been one major tipping point…it has been a lot of little things that have combined.
  • The one big thing was when they made the decision to focus on one thing – Jonas Paul.
  • They gave up their other businesses to focus on it full time. They became part of a business accelerator called Praxis and this gave them opportunities to pitch to potential partners/investors.
  • At one of the pitches they were introduced to a former CEO of Luxotica which led to their first seed round.

What is working for you when it comes to digital marketing? What is driving sales online?

  • You need a holistic approach.
  • Facebook is needed, but is all about disrupting things to create interest in your product.
  • Google AdWords is important because people are searching for the need.
  • Instagram is also very important for a product like eyewear.
  • The messages on the mediums are very different.
  • Retargeting and lead capturing are important, so you can nurture people and teach them about your product.
  • For a lot of solutions, there is a big education piece needed which the mediums allow you to do.
  • Authenticity of your brand and who you are is the most critical part of the equation. Stay to true to who you really are.

Anything outside digital?

  • They have a brand ambassador program with micro-influencers
  • They have affiliate programs

Talk to us about building a culture with your business and what that means to the brand…

  • The best part is being able to surround yourself with a team that has passion for the business like they do.
  • Making sure the team knows the mission and vision and why is really important.
  • But, you must be open to change to feedback from your team to grow.
  • Giving your employees a voice is very important. Everyone should feel like it is a part of them as much as you as an owner/leader.

What advice do you have other husband and wife teams running a business or thinking about starting a business together?

  • Early on – you have to understand your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to let each other run with the strengths.
  • Trust each other where your skills sets are and find all the ways they can complement each other.
  • Put a plan together on how to run things for your work life together.
  • Using a personality tool like a Strengthfinder or DISC can give you really great insight into each other.
  • Be willing and outspoken on your encouragement to each other. Don’t take it for granted just because you work together every day.
  • Have fun with it. Reward each other. Surprise each other.
  • You cannot separate your home life and work life – it all blends together. Embrace it, don’t fight it.
  • Celebrate together when you win and come together when you lose
  • It is a true privilege to be able to be a team and share the journey of a business together.

What has surprised you most on your entrepreneurial journey together?

  • That you can pull things off and pull them off well, even when it doesn’t look like it can happen.
  • Everybody has this entrepreneurial spirit inside them, but so many are afraid to unleash it.
  • When you find what you are called and meant to be doing it gives you such a more meaningful life.
  • How much you gain by taking the leap of faith…

How has social entrepreneurship made an impact for the business and for you?

It allows you to truly help people in need, make the world a better place, and be part of something bigger.


Best Quote: As an entrepreneur, you cannot separate your home life and work life – it all blends together. Embrace it, don’t fight it.”


Ben and Laura's Misfit 3

  1. Don’t suffer from failure to launch syndrome. Get a minimum viable product, get it out there, get feedback and go from there.
  2. Make a name for yourself in your market by trying everything to get yourself out there. You’ll then be able to hone in and find what really works. Have patience here.
  3. Fearing hardship with starting your own thing can keep you from living your life to the fullest. Hardship and suffering help you recognize life in a different way. Be open to it and be ok with it.
Oct 3, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Iain Grae. Iian went from broke to mult-millionaire in less than 3 years and has been featured as one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s hot 100 for the past few years.

Iain has an incredible story of how he got to where he is now as the founder of Evolved Lyfe and Millionaire Prowess. Millionaire Prowess is training firm that teaches the principles Iain has used to consistently build million dollar companies. Evolved Lyfe a purpose driven leadership activation firm that helps people learn how to tap into their higher consciousness and usher in what Iain calls Heaven on Earth. The company helps high achievers, entrepreneurs, and leaders to effortlessly create wealth while making a larger impact on the world.

When I first spoke to Iain, one of the things that impressed me most was the philosophy he has developed and teaches on how to succeed and thrive. He used it to create multiple successful million dollar entities. It is different than what most are teaching today and I knew that I had to share it with you in Misfit Nation.

Iain grew up poor and his parents never seemed to have any money. When he was 8 years old he begged his father for a motocross bike. His father told him that when he earned the money, he could have one. So, he started doing any work he could at 8 years old that he could – raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc. 3 years later, he bought his first dirt bike. This led to him starting in motocross and became a pro. And he was good. Up until about 22, he seemingly won just about everything he did in motocross, but then he took a huge dip.

Tell us about the dip?

Iain was living in his parent’s basement making $14,000/mo at 21 years old. He decided to travel throughout the world. He traveled around Europe and met a Swedish girl and subsequently moved to Sweden to be with her. He started running out of money, even though he has gotten a job. He wasn’t making enough to pay his bills. He had to go on welfare and could not afford to even go out for a bite to eat.

This began to wear on his self-esteem and he developed a bad attitude which became pervasive in his life and his relationship. It wasn’t long before he was on plane back to the states to live in his parents basement because he had to, not because he wanted to. He felt like a complete failure.

He borrowed money and was able to get a job in sales in NYC. He began to excel, but he knew that he didn’t have control over what he was selling, so he started a company with a partner called Innovation Ads in 2002-2003. The original intention was to sell ad space in taxis. Iain locked down some of the minor cities and was working on NYC, but Clearchannel was locking it up. To supplement while he was doing this, he started in online advertising. He started brokering online ad buys and developed a whole new way of doing lead generation with autoresponders.

He ended up getting involved with a bunch of universities and got so good at generating leads for universities that he took over the lead management/enrollment process as well on behalf of them. Ultimately, he was able to sell the business and that propelled him into what he is doing today.

At the 14 min mark, Iain answers the question, What is the Evolved Life Philosophy?

  • It is a way of living, being, and practicing
  • It is taking responsibility for everything that comes into your awareness
  • Then it is reconstructing your life to suit your intention and live in divine order

How does someone implement it into their life?

  • It starts with a commitment to take the responsibility for everything that comes into your awareness
  • Once you do that, you have the power and can use it to your advantage
  • You must understand how important your intentions are when working with others and make sure they are aligned with yours to produce the best ideal outcomes
  • Life is about practice. Anything you want to be intentionally great at takes practice. You cannot just make a decision and all the sudden everything will happen – you have to work at it every day. This is where the greatness is found.

Changes you can make to help you re-program yourself?

  • Stop making long “to do” lists. It is overwhelming when you cannot get things done.
  • Instead, make an “intentions list” of what you truly intend to get done for the day
  • Write it before you go to bed so your brain can work on ideas while you are sleeping
  • Your intentions should be focused on the different areas of your life
  • Break out your doubts and concerns. They are like a virus. Deliberately remove them to find the truth.
    • One great way to do this is to be at peace in nature and let it surround you

What does it mean when you talk about achieving “Heaven on Earth?”

  • The truth is that you don’t have to achieve it, it already exists – it just matters where you place your attention. You just need to place your attention on your intention.
  • If you are going to spend your life here, then why not live in heaven on earth?

What role does faith play in your success? What is the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself and life?

Divine order exists

  • You are not your body, you have a body
  • You are not a life, you are life.
  • You are local host for god and can manifest through aligning the thoughts from your head to your heart and your gut.
  • It all stems from your mind and you know when you are out of alignment – stop and get yourself realigned.
  • Additionally, utilize others and coaches to help yourself be more aligned.

At the 34 min mark, Iain talks about the principles in his book, “the 10 Principles That Made Me Millions…”

  • Purpose: Look at this not from the “one thing I should be doing,” but instead “who am I being?” Iain gives some great examples on this.
    • When you see how you can impact the world by creating wealth, you can see how to create that wealth and see a much bigger picture of how it comes together.
  • Create a Statement of Desire: Fuzzy targets don’t get hit. Clearer goals do. Set the goal, but then ask “What I am willing to give up to do it?” and “What I am willing to give of myself to do it?”
  • Do it only if you are willing to be fearless
  • Your support system is critical and you must make the right adjustments in this area for your life and goals to thrive. Modeling greatness is a key part of this.
  • Actively listening. The more silence that is created the louder the noise that is heard.

There is so much gold to be found in the nuances of things, the small things, that makes a huge difference

Your greatness is locked in where your errors are…

At the 47 min mark, Iain talks about the gifts we have and how we can and should maximize them.


Best Quote: “Your greatness is locked in where your errors are…”


Iain's Misfit 3:

  1. Make a clear intention about an outcome no matter how small or large and make sure everyone is on board.
  2. Listen to the voice that comes in your head and look for doubt. This is where you find where you may have limiting beliefs.
  3. It’s not about what you are doing, it is about who you are being.