
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: March, 2021

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

Mar 31, 2021

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Anna Parker-Naples. Anna is he host of the #1 international podcast, Entrepreneurs Get Visible. She is the #1 best-selling author of Get Visible: How to Have More Impact, Influence and Income, and Podcast with Impact: How to Launch Your Podcast Properly.

She has been recognized as the National Businesswoman of the Year and finalist for SME’s National Entrepreneur of the Year. And if that is not enough, her audio skills have caught the attention of Hollywood and she’s been honored there.

But Anna’s story has some major twists and turns and what I love most about her is how she learned to blend strategy and mindset together to overcome massive challenges and achieve greatness. Of course, she’s not too bad at teaching entrepreneurs how to seriously grow their visibility and I can’t wait to get into all of this with her.

Anna came into the entrepreneurial space a few years ago. 4 years ago, she was working as a voice actor receiving awards on the red carpet in Hollywood for her work. 6 years before that, she was told after a complication with a pregnancy that she would never walk again. To be fully recovered and at the top of her game on the red-carpet years later made her realize that others can do what she did and that there was a process to that success, so she started her business, podcast, and speaking.

How did you from being not being able to walk to walking on the red carpet? What was the transformation?

  • Anna was as broken as you could imagine.
  • Before having children, she was a stage actor.
  • She could hardly get out of bed or function with the amount of pain she was in.
  • She had a moment on a New Year’s Eve where she realized that she could no longer stay in her frame of mind.
  • She went to a therapist. They talked and the therapist questioned her views of the world using NLP.
  • This got her to think 2 things. What is she was in a wheelchair the rest of her life, but was highly successful and her work could still be seen all over the world? And What if the doctors are not right about your body and could heal itself?
  • Thinking about those things sparked a new view on her potential and started her on her path.

At the 9 min mark, Anna tells a story about she was carried into a job interview and how it was presented to her to have a home studio to do her work.

At the 10 min mark, Anna and I discuss the power of the mind what working on your thoughts can do for you.

  • It is a constant work in progress.
  • Many of the things we tell ourselves are not true and are just limiting beliefs.
  • What happens if you decide to think something different about yourself? You’d be surprised.
  • Everything is choice in our lives. It is not rocket science, but it starts with how you think.

At the 14 min mark, we talk about how everything begins with an idea, a thought in our lives.

How have you learned how to blend your mindset with strategy to exponentially grow results?

  • Anna uses the term “envisioning.”
  • You envision everything. Where you want to be. Who you are clients are. How much you are making. Who you surround yourself with, etc.
  • Podcasting is a great medium to get in front of the clients you want and also, as a podcaster to bring guests on your show that you want to network with and have in your world. Be strategic and deliberate about it.

Is there a process for envisioning?

  • Yes, it is called the 10 Pillars of Purpose and Profit.

Listen at the 18 min mark as Anna goes through the 10 pillars.

  • Good book called the Micro Pitch Script by Bill Slay to help you hone your message and how you connect how you impact and help others.

“Make sure you are not positioning yourself at the bottom for the heap. Strive for the top. There is much less competition there.”

Confidence is key to get visible, explain that…

  • Everything is a choice.
  • People choose not to put themselves or their content out there because they are not confident in themselves.
  • But you have every right to put yourself out there and share your talents.
  • Confidence comes from changing how you think and recognizing that is it ok and safe to fail.
  • Be willing to be yourself in front of others knowing you cannot and will not ever be a fit for everyone, but you will for enough.

Talk to us about gaining visibility and things people should be doing to stand out…

  • Podcasting is the fastest growing medium with the highest conversion rates, so you need to have a strategy.
  • On social media, are you communicating a consistent message and story across your different channels?
  • Use story to share more about you and let people in. Connect!

Best practices to start, run, and grow a successful podcast?

  • It starts with solid planning.
  • Get clear on your message, your target audience, your funnel, any products, etc.
  • Treat the launch like it matters. It is a unique window of opportunity where the algorithms are on your side.
  • Have good production quality.
  • Have good audio. Invest in this.

What are some of the things you’ve learned about entrepreneurship and success on your journey?

  • Everything is cumulative.
  • Fail fast and continue as things build on each other.
  • Realize the ripple effect of the impact you can have in the world.
  • Think about the effect your message can have if you amplify it.

​ How important is playing the long game?

  • No one is an overnight success and if they are, they most likely won’t stay there for long.
  • You must take continuous action.
  • Consistency and a long-term view are more important than ever.
  • When it is worth it and about something more, you will have no problem making money.
  • Money is nice, but it cannot be the sole reason for a business and just focusing on that will not sustain you – you’ll be unfulfilled and burned out.


Best Quote:  Make sure you are not positioning yourself at the bottom of the heap. Strive for the top. There is much less competition there.


Anna's Misfit 3:

  1. Anything is possible. You just cannot necessarily see if for yourself yet.
  2. When you allow yourself to see your potential without excuses or blocks in the way, you can achieve it.
  3. It is ok to fail and go wrong, because that is when you can look inside, learn from it, observe what works and what doesn’t and then turn it around.

Show Sponsors:

The Good from Caldera Labs (allcaps)

ROI International: 



Mar 24, 2021

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Krista Ripma. Krista is the founder of the digital marketing agency, Authentic Audience, which helps transform clients’ businesses by implementing innovative marketing strategies focused on authenticity, storytelling, and selling the truth. She is also the host of the Authentic Audience podcast.

Krista and Authentic Audience have been featured everywhere from Forbes to Entrepreneur and her passion for helping others tell their stories and share their truth through radically honest marketing is un-matched.

Radically honest. We don’t see that as much as we should these days, and it’s important to make sure we are being true to ourselves and our businesses, so I asked Krista to come on the show to discuss what it truly means to be authentic and honest in today’s world.

Krista has always been in to sharing stories and sharing stories. She studied communications and film in college and went to work in film in LA. But the whole industry was inauthentic. She loved the stories, the scripts she read, but the world around her was fake. She did all sorts of jobs and learned what it meant to work hard.

From there she went to working with TV networks in health and wellness. During this time, she met a Yoga star who needed help with her brand and Krista helped her grow the brand. She loved it and realized that is she is what she wanted to do. Help people grow their brand in an authentic way.

Define Authenticity…

  • It is something that really cannot be taught.
  • It is when you are in alignment and you know when you are.
  • It is when you are walking your talk and being the person or brand, you want others to think you are.
  • It is the lack of fear or doubt – just truth.
  • There is a big difference between transparency and authenticity. As leaders, we have to pick the appropriate time to share things and be transparent – but we can always be authentic.
  • Authenticity is standing in your truth and opening your heart up so others can do the same.

How does someone transform their business through authentic? What do they do?

  • You have to answer the 4 most important questions.
    • Who are you?
    • What do you do?
    • Why does it matter?
    • What’s in it for me? (your dream client)
  • Anonymous brands are dead. People want to know who is behind the companies where they spend money.
  • We have to create personal brands within our bigger brands to thrive and succeed.
  • The X-factor that sets your product or service apart is you.
  • Customers want to “be seen” by you and feel like you see them.

What is working and what is not in marketing strategies and launches today?

  • The biggest mistake is taking someone from awareness straight to the sale.
  • The best part of marketing is the “consideration phase” which is the time you take to share who you are and what the value of your product or service is and establish credibility.
  • What is working is a longer warm-up/consideration phase where you provide a ton of value before ever giving an offer.
  • Consideration used to be about 7 days, now it is more like a month to do it right.
  • Best practice is a longer warm-up and shorter buying timeframe.

Is there a formula that you use for launches?

  • Krista has an e-book called the 90 Day Launch plan which breaks it down week by week of what needs to be done.
  • You can get it at
  • She discusses her process at the 20 Min-mark, and it is best to just listen.

How does someone get leadflow and build a list to market to?

  • You don’t have to have a big list, but you need to have a way to build a list.
  • You will have to invest, and you need the confidence to do so.
  • Lead gen campaigns on Facebook work well – you have to give something of great value for free to be successful. Something that really speaks to your dream customer.
  • LinkedIn is another great place to get leads. It has the most opportunity.
  • YouTube is also a place to be if you create content.
  • Growing your email list is by far your best investment.

At the 31-minute market, Krista gives her best advice on selling, both online and in general..

  • Get your money mindset right.
  • Understand the abundance of money around you and be careful not to let a scarcity mentality stop you.
  • There is so much money out there, it’s everywhere and we are deserving of the piece of the pie as long as we work hard for it.
  • After money mindset is the seller’s mindset.
  • This is the confidence in what you are selling.
  • Your dream customer is why you created your product and service, how can you not sell to them? If you don’t, you have failed them. They need it and are ready to buy.

At the 38 min mark, we discuss “asking for the business.” It’s best to just listen… Shifts in online selling?

  • Major algorithm shifts. Much more pay to play. A lot of throttling happening.
  • We have to pay to reach our own audience.
  • Engagement is the secret sauce. The more engagement you have/time spent is the big X-factor right now.
  • For paid media, the market is super saturated, and the competition is fierce. It’s also not more expensive to compete.
  • In order to do well, you have to stand out in a bigger way and you have to innovate and figure out how to do it – even if that means being controversial by being authentic.

Best advice for entrepreneurs in today’s world?

  • Get one customer. Launch the thing!
  • Get real eyes on your site/product/service and get feedback.
  • Forget about your logo. Focus on your product and service and the way you make clients “feel.”
  • If you create an amazing customer experience; customers will tell others and you will grow by word of mouth.
  • Pivot as needed because you will have to.
  • You are always launching and pivoting – don’t rest.


Best Quote: Authenticity is standing in your truth and opening your heart up so others can do the same.


Krista's Misfit 3:

  1. Stay in your uniqueness. It is your superpower.
  2. Stay in service. Shift your mindset to that of service.
  3. Self-care. Burnout is around every corner. Establish self-care rituals that help avoid burnout by any means possible.


Show Sponsors:

The Good from Caldera Labs (allcaps)

ROI International: 



Mar 17, 2021

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Harma Hartouni. After listening to Harma and his story today, you will have no excuse for not being able to keep going and reaching your goals. Harma grew up in Iran during the Iraq-Iran war taking shelter from bombs every night. He later had a traumatic accident that crushed his lower body and took him a year to come back from. And I will let him tell you about everything else that has happened to him in his life. But this guy never quit.

And today, Harma is a self-made millionaire entrepreneur and developer, owns a real estate company employing hundreds of residential and commercial real estate agents in Southern California, and runs the #1 ranked real estate business in his region. His real estate practice exceeds $1B in sales volume and he is also the founder and CEO of multiple companies servicing the local real estate industry, His businesses include financial services, technology and coaching. If that is not enough, he is the author of Getting Back Up: A Story of Resilience, Self-Acceptance & Success. Fittingly, those are the topics we are going to discuss in this episode.

Harma was born in LA and within 30 days moved to Iran. Shortly after, the revolution happened and his mother lost all her rights and they were stuck in the country. At 18, Harma got into a car accident and did not get hurt, but when he got out of his car, another car hit breaking both his legs and mangling his lower body. He was not supposed to walk again. He did everything he could to get back to walking and was able to move to the US.

He ended up in Glendale, CA. He had a lot of struggles and it took him a year and half to become confident enough to come out to his family and reveal he was gay. He quit dental school against his families wishes to be a real estate agent.

He’s been in real estate for 18 years and his business now does over $1.2 billion in sales a year. His passion has grown to really building the business and he has the top agents in the nation working for him. He’s married and had 3 kids. ​

I’ve heard you say that “everyone is a survivor.” Explain what that means.

  • Every single person has a story.
  • Some are deeper, other not so much.
  • Everyone has been through challenges.
  • Understanding this helps you to appreciate not only them, but what you have gone through as well.
  • Resilience comes from learning from the past and choosing to move forward.
  • Everyone has gone through and overcome something in their lives.

You talk about not letting yourself become a victim. Talk to us about the difference between being victimized and being a victim.

  • Run towards your fear. Accept it and own it.
  • If you start doing that, you cannot be a victim.
  • Harma has been so broke that he has been in place where he had no hope in anything else. He had not choice, but to find a way to survive.
  • People that manage to become victims at some point were given a false hope. They were not pushed to move through their challenge or trauma.
  • You cannot move forward by being stuck in the past.
  • If you keep reading your last chapter, how will you write a new one?

There are of people in the same situation you have been in that don’t break out and reach their full potential and accomplish successes like you. A lot of people would just give into their state and accept it and stay there. Why didn’t that happen to you? How did you break out?

  • This is one of the reasons he wrote the book with his lessons.
  • Harma had a very challenging upbringing with his father. He had to think ahead. He had to protect his mom.
  • But, his father was very successful, yet didn’t have followers. He would use people and burn through them.
  • Seeing this gave him a why and purpose – not to be like that in his life. He was fueled by a mission to become more successful and bigger than his father.
  • He was also fueled to be able to get his mom and family out of Iran and to help fund them in the US.
  • Harma was fueled by gaining a better live for himself and all those around him.
  • You must get in the habit of loving the journey. You must find the joy and meaning in it as you go through it.

At the 22-minute mark, we talk about the peaks and valleys of entrepreneurship What are a couple of your favorite lessons from your book?

  • Unsolicited advice should not be welcomed. Don’t let yourself get derailed by someone else’s opinion.
  • Seek advice from those that are successful and doing it and learn from them.
  • The 5 Minute Funeral. We all have setbacks. Deal with them for 5 minutes and move on. Be fast to move on to a solution.
  • Don’t get hung up on things. It does no good.

Talk to us about the principles you use to build a business…

  • Harma failed miserably in his first business.
  • You need to know what you are doing and have done it before you hire someone as you will be training them.
  • You will need to understand all areas of your business – but you cannot be good in all area.
  • Every talented person can do anything, but they won’t do it too long if they don’t like it.
  • You must understand personality and what people gravitate to in their lives. A tool such as DISC will help with this. Make sure you have the right personality in the right role.
  • You will have to be slow to higher, fast to de-hire, and be very careful who you choose to partner with in business.
  • You are responsible for helping your hires succeed. Your job is to put them in the right role and give them the environment to succeed.
  • Meet people where “they are at.”
  • A magical question when having challenges with a staff member is “Knowing what I know today, would I still have hired them?” If the answer is no, then you need to part ways. If it yes, then you need to work through things together.
  • You hire the people, and the people build your business.

Every year, your business does over a billion in real estate sales. Talk to us about selling in today’s world.

  • You must know your market so well and know your ideal customer inside and out.
  • It works well to niche.
  • Develop a very unique value proposition.
  • People don’t care how much you know. They care how much you care.
  • Trust is at the core of a sale.

Thoughts on the real estate market at this time?

  • Things will not continue forever.
  • Rates are low
  • There will be a period of correction because of the forbearances that people took over the last year and then will have to pay back.
  • Banks are seeing people have hard times paying payments.
  • It will not be 2006-2008, but will correct.
  • The media is always 6 months behind – what you hear on the news is not current.
  • Consumer spending will go up and balance out a correction over time – we will still need to go through the correction.


Best Quote: Run towards your fear. Accept it and own it. If you start doing that, you cannot be a victim.


Harma's Misfit 3:

  1. 5 Minute Funeral. Spend 5 minutes dealing with a setback and then move forward.
  2. No means not yet. Don’t give up.
  3. Only listen to someone who has a proven record to guide you.


Show Sponsors:

ROI International:  

5 Minute Journal:



Mar 10, 2021

This week’s Lesson for Hannah

Hannah, I want to share something with you that I learned a long time ago but have been amazed at how true it is. There are a lot of things that separate top performers from the rest of those out there. What is that allows some people to do more, accomplish more, push further, and endure more than others or what people think is possible?

I talk a lot of about Discipline, Consistency, and Persistence or Perseverance and have called it the DCP formula. In my mind, the most important part of the formula is the P. Because no matter how disciplined and consistent you are – you will run into major walls or seemingly insurmountable challenges. And if you are not willing to persist or persevere through them, then you will plateau. You will become stagnant.

You see this a lot in companies. When they begin and really nail their product or service and model, they grow quickly and have enormous success, but many, after a while stagnate. Usually, it is after the founder or owner steps down or steps back. Apple was a good example of this. For many years, Apple was the upstart and was so innovative that it continued to nail the market with its products and grow. But, then after the “professional managers” took over and essentially expelled Steve Jobs from his own company, the company plateaued. It got stagnant and comfortable just making Macs. But others begin to make PC’s just as good or even better and the company started to wither to the point where its stock got to just a couple bucks. Of course, the shareholders blasted the board, and the company became a place of turmoil. Reluctantly, the company brought Steve Jobs back and well…you know the rest of the story. Steve reimagined the products and reimagined how to change the world with technology starting first with the iPod and then iPhone and so on.

The company had not been willing to persist or persevere through its biggest wall – the need to reinvent itself into a company with totally different offerings. But Steve was willing to and guided it through.

So, where am I going with this?

There is a rule that has existed throughout human history. It has been called many things, but the name I like for it best is the 40% Rule. In fact, the place where I saw it coined best was in a book from a Navy SEAL named David Goggins. ​

The Rule is pretty simple: When you think you’ve given it your all or are exhausted and your mind is telling you are done - Telling you that you cannot go further, you are only 40% done. You have 60% more left in you.

Wait, what? Yes, what I am saying is that when you feel you are most exhausted, and you have given everything – you still have 60% left.

How can that be? Because our limitations exist in our minds. I’ve said before that what you focus on expands in your live. The bible says, “that which gaze upon you become.” What we believe and tell ourselves becomes our reality. So, when our mind is saying we are exhausted and cannot go further – guess what happens? We don’t go further. But, what if when the thought pops into our heads that we cannot go further and have given it all, that we tell ourselves, “No, I haven’t. I am only just beginning. And we repeat that over and over as we take our next step, etc.” What will happen? We will not be done. We will keep going. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” This is the essence of the 40% Rule. Keep going.

In my life, I have sought ways to seek opportunities to test this rule and expand my capacity to endure. I hope you will do the same.

One way I have done that is through Ironman racing. A full Ironman is a 2.4-mile swim, followed by 112-mile bike ride, followed by a marathon. Every race has new challenges. No just in navigating a new course, but the risks around you from others (look up Ironman bike crashes) and being pulled and stretched in completely new ways mentally and physically. For example, my last full Ironman brought completely new challenges and almost broke me until I remembered the 40% Rule. First, the swim was like no other in that there was a stinging jellyfish bloom in the water. Imagine swimming 2.4 miles navigating jellyfish, even in a wetsuit, getting stung on your face, feet, hands, really any exposed area. Then getting out of the water and getting on a bike for 112 miles with the pain from it and your body reacting to it while you ride.

I admit, it was my fastest swim ever! Then, on the bike the headwind picked up to almost 20 miles an hour, forcing me to have to work harder than normal to maintain my pace. And if that wasn’t enough, the original temperature for the day was to be in the high 60’s. Pretty ideal weather. Well, about the time I was ending my ride, the overcast clouds parted, the sun came out, and it shot up into the 80’s. Needless to say, after the swim, hard bike, and now it being 20+ degrees hotter, I was not feeling that well as I got start on my marathon. In fact, about 5 miles in. I started feel dizzy. I stopped running. I tried to walk but felt completely exhausted.

I have never not finished a race. Ever. But, in those moments as I sat down in the grass on the side of the road – every impulse in me told me to quit. My mind had all kinds of thoughts going through it. Things like “You’ve got nothing to prove. Don’t hurt yourself. Just quit. No shame in it.” Or “You’ve got another 21 miles to go, there is no way, etc.”

I sat there for 10-15 mins getting all the fluid I could in me. I could not even look at another energy gel pack. I was at my absolute limit. Or so I thought. I noticed the thoughts circling in my head and stopped them. I chose to get up and take the next step. I chose to embody the 40% Rule.

I wish I could say that I got back up, ran my best marathon ever and set a new personal best time, but that is not what happened. Do you know what’s worse than running a crappy marathon? Walking a crappy marathon. 5 hours later I crossed the finished line with my slowest time ever. I attempted to jog the last half mile and even that was ugly. But finished. I crossed the finish line and went straight to the med-tent. After some fluid and a little care, I was back on my feet. An hour or so later, I was pounding a horde of fast food satiating my unending hunger and feeling pretty good. In fact, I had plenty of energy – even though it was midnight and I had basically exercised for 14 hours.

It was in this moment that I realized how true the rule is. I had more left. A lot more. And now this lesson fuels me not just in my racing, but in business, life, and everywhere.

The 40% Rule is something we can and should all live by. We should push ourselves and our boundaries and learn to dig deeper and push ourselves further than we ever thought possible – because we can.

​ I think the real secret to success in anything lies in this Rule and we each have find it for ourselves and Hannah, I hope you find it in your own special way.

I love you,



Best Quote: The 40% Rule is something we can and should all live by. We should push ourselves and our boundaries and learn to dig deeper and push ourselves further than we ever thought possible – because we can.​


Misfit 3:

  1. The 40% Rule states: When you think you’ve given it all or exhausted and your mind is telling you are done. Telling you that you cannot go further, you are only 40% done. You have 60% more left in you.
  2. What we believe and tell ourselves becomes our reality.
  3. The 40% Rule is something we can and should all live by. We should push ourselves and our boundaries and learn to dig deeper and push ourselves further than we ever thought possible – because we can.


Show Sponsors:

Uber for Business:




Mar 3, 2021

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Shawn Finder. Shawn is an interesting guy. He grew up as one of North America’s top tennis players and ranked 2nd best at one point. He was literally competing to be the next Andre Agassi. At age 23 that he was told that he had to decide whether to try and become a tennis professional or get an MBA. He chose a university education.

You see Shawn is an entrepreneur at heart and he knew that was his calling. At age 24, he started his first venture importing packaging and selling to retailers, but his real passion was selling. So he started a list building company to help salespeople called Exchange leads, grew that to huge success and then started AutoKlose which he just sold to Vanillasoft.

I brought him on to talk about his journey, what he’s learned, and how to get more leads and business.

Shawn was top ranked tennis player playing world-wide and go to the age that he needed to make a choice to make it a career or go to school. He got his MBA in finance. And this has served him well as an entrepreneur. He started out working for a company as head of sales, came up with the idea for his first business, Exchange Leads, his 2nd day on the job and 18 months later had built it into his first company.

You’ve bootstrapped all of your businesses to success. What is your best advice on how to bootstrap a business?

  • Shawn focuses on growing as lean as possible and focus on profitability.
  • He outsources using Upwork and other mediums for resources.
  • It is also important to be very strategic from the start.

Tell us about some of the pitfalls or things you would do differently if bootstrapping again…

  • You have to find a balance between being profitable and using the money in the bank to invest in your business. Don’t keep too much in the bank.
  • You are going to try a lot of things to grow your business or make it successful, be careful not to neglect things that are working and make sure you are investing further in them alongside all the stuff you are trying.
  • Start SEO before even launching the business if you can – organic growth is a huge opportunity.
  • Beware the personal ups and downs that come with having a successful business, but it not translating into personal success and income right away. You will delay personal gratification a lot.

Lessons learned going through the acquisition process?

  • Always be prepared for an acquisition.
  • Make sure your financials are up to date, accurate, and dialed in.
  • People don’t acquire you just because of the money you are making or your MRR/ARR.
  • You need to value every area of your business. Your team, your clients, your income, your IP, etc.
  • Working capital is very important to understand in an acquisition.

At the 12 Min mark, Shawn explains working capital and how it impacted his sale…

  • Working capital is deferred revenue. Revenue paid up front for services to be rendered in the future.
  • It will be taken off the purchase price from a buyer.
  • This impacts to valuation as it comes off the purchase price and can be higher than you think.
  • Talk working capital early on in an acquisition process so there is no surprise at the end.

What did playing tennis teach you about success, business, and life?

  • When Shawn was 18, he started teaching tennis.
  • Training others and top executives opened doors for him and helped learn how to become more professional in communication and business.
  • Networking through your passion(s) and connecting with others that have similar interested – and that can partner or help you is a huge opportunity
  • Coaching others for money is selling and fighting to keep business, so it prepares you for success in a lot of ways.

Talk to about selling in today’s world? What works? What doesn’t?

  • It’s getting tougher and tougher and things are changing very fast.
  • The most important thing to leverage is LinkedIn. Being genuine and connecting on the platform is important to help build trust.
  • The biggest problem is all that we are asking salespeople to do from a CRM, tracking, detail standpoint that they don’t have time to sell. Put the sale first.

What should people know about the CRM and lead management systems out there and how best to use them?

  • Build a sales stack that has a lot of automation. Automate as much of the process as possible allowing for automate scheduling, etc.
  • Get as much of the busy work out of the way for your people so they can focus on the sale.

Best ways to boost sales?

  • Get outside the box.
  • Use Video. Don’t just send an email.
  • Persistence is now more needed than ever. Your job in sales is to follow up. The lack of follow up is the biggest reason sales are not made or lost.

Tips to increase conversion rates?

  • Pre-qualify as much as possible.
  • Determine the best buyers for your salespeople to speak to and show your products to.
  • For others, put them into a nurturing sequence or schedule them out with a scheduler software into the future.
  • Look for every way you can to cut wasted time out of the sales process.

You have an E-book with over 25 entrepreneurs and sales leaders. If you had to pick the top piece of advice from the book what would it be?

  • Building trust is the #1 thing for selling anything.
  • Do you research ahead of time and know about your prospect.
  • Discuss their pain and get 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels deep to truly understand it.
  • Don’t solution right away. Listen, get feedback, gain an understanding, and work with them to help them see why you are the right fit. It is their decision. Don’t “sell” them.
  • Follow up, but follow up across multiple channel.


Best Quote: People don’t acquire you just because of the money you are making or your MRR/ARR. You need to value every area of your business. Your team, your clients, your income, your IP, etc.


Shawn's Misfit 3:

Invest in real estate at a young age. It is a great investment over the long term.

Bootstrap your company lean and profitable. Build a team that has an amazing culture.

Don’t focus on hiring quickly. Hire people you would hire into your family.


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