
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: November, 2016

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

Nov 30, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Charles Gaudet. When small business owners and marketers want to grow their companies, they turn to Charlie Gaudet to help grow their traffic, leads, and sales. As the founder and CEO of Managed Marketing, LLC – the company behind Predictable Profits – and the author of The Predictable Profits Playbook: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Dominating Any Market and Staying On Top, Charlie combines personal experience, expert wisdom, and cold, hard facts to illuminate the previously overlooked profit centers that exist in nearly every business.

Charlie and his wife Heather invested over $500,000 traveling the world and learning from the world’s leading entrepreneurs, spiritual advisors, billionaire business moguls, tribal leaders, and professional coaches like Tony Robbins – and the lessons he’s accumulated along this journey have become the essence of the Predictable Profits methodology.

This business-building expertise has earned Charlie a reputation as the go-to source for actionable, dependable, and systematic strategies for gaining and retaining customers, earning premium prices, and becoming the obvious choice over the competition.

He’s been featured in Forbes, Inc., Fox Business, Mashable, and on national radio outlets. He has also won numerous awards including Earnst and Young best seed stage companies, He was named one of American Geniuses’ Top 50 Industry Influencers and a host of others.

Dave has personally worked with Charlie on several online launch campaigns and been part of a group that has done million dollar plus launches with him, so what he is going to share with you works!

The Predictable Profits Playbook

Charlie started out as an entrepreneur at 4 years old! Charlie’s dad was an entrepreneur who worked constantly, and there was never a doubt Charlie would fall in his footsteps.

Like many entrepreneurs, Charlie went through ups and downs, losing a company early on. He then started another business in real estate following the age old advice of working hard longer than others and would work from 3am into the evenings every day. He did this until he almost literally killed himself from stress. His body was literally shutting down in his early 20’s.

It was at this moment that he questioned what he was doing and what he was missing? This spurred a change in the way he setup his business, working smarter, and setting things up to work better for him. A year later, he had his first multi-million dollar business.

Charlie makes a point to be very specific about what is working and not working. Don’t guess. We have the tools at our fingertips to know the exact information. Only then can you truly make the right changes or decisions to get to your next level. The littlest things matter.

Charlie says that ultimately the secret to success is knowing what is truly working and what is not. When you know what is truly working, you can then put more effort into it and dominate a market.

Charlie gives some good examples of how little things can make such a huge difference in a business. Charlie talks about how to build your personal brand, he says there are two things you must do. First, you must write a book as it gives you credibility. Second, you must become a public speaker. Some other tricks he gives include the following: 

  • Credibility through association (celebrity endorsements, etc.
  • “As seen on”
  • Press releases that get picked up in different publications or media outlets (advice has been featured at…)

At the 29 min mark, Charlie gives great tips for how to create awareness and write a killer article to get noticed and how to do a 1+1 = 3 benefit.

Charlie talks about the benefits of systems and how to maximize your results through automation and leverage. How you can do something once and then use it multiple times over and over.

At the 40 min mark, Charlie challenges Facebook ads and brings some interesting thoughts around how to use your marketing dollars and using retargeting on social media.

At the 45 min mark, Charlie talks about what it takes to build trust and a tribe for your business.

Fastest way of growing a business is to engage your past customers that are no longer buying, thank them, give them a very special offer reserved only for past customers. Give them a compelling reason to come back.

Smartest way of growing a business is to look at where you have the most momentum. Focus on those areas to make them better and increase the returns.


Best Quote: “There are reasons and there are results.The only thing that matters are results."

Charlie's Misfit 3

  1. There are reasons and there are results and the only thing that matters are results, so think in terms of results. Ask yourself if what you are doing is really driving a result.
  2. Think in terms of systems. What can you do to automate and systematize the things in your life, so you can continue to expand and spend more time working on your business instead of in it?
  3. Make sure you a focused on multi-dimensional mediums, not single and expand your view of all the ways you can have an impact in your business. ​
Nov 23, 2016

Hello Misfit Nation! Welcome to a very special edition of the Misfit Entrepreneur. Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving holiday here in the states and we all have so much to be thankful for. Our families, friends, the opportunities we have. And for me, on top of all that, I’m thankful for you and the guests that come on this show. You support has made the show a success, and I cannot thank all of you in the audience enough for it. And for our guests, thank you all so much for your amazing wisdom and insight that you share with us each and every week.

Today, I’d like to take this episode to introduce a new type of format that I will be sprinkling in alongside our weekly episodes.

Introducing Lessons for Hannah! These are short, very useful, and sometimes comical lessons, that I have learned that I want to share with you and give to may daughter, Hannah to help in your lives. Because I want Hannah to have these for her life, I’m going to speak as though I am talking directly to her in the format.

We’re gonna have a lot of fun with this and if you think there is a lesson that we should include in these episodes, please don’t hesitate to send it over to us at We’d love to share it.

This week’s Lesson for Hannah

Hannah honey, I want to you to always remember not to forget your roots or where you came from. I realize this has multiple meanings for you and I want it to pertain to them all. Don’t forget where you came from in China and how you came to be with mommy and daddy, but also don’t forget what you’ve learned in life. Keep your humility, no matter how successful you become. Remember the values of hard… and smart work, gratitude for others, how important family is in our lives, and to never give up. Make it a mission to give to others and give of yourself along the way. And always cherish the special moments and experiences that you have in life as those are truly what make life worth living.

Years from now, you won’t remember all the stuff you had, but you will remember the experiences and special moments you’ve had with us, your family, friends, the places you’ll visit, and those you’ll meet as you go through life. Soak them in.

And lastly, laugh, a lot! Find joy in all you can and bring joy to others. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. I hope you find every way to do that.

I’ll end where I started, don’t forget your roots, stay humble, and enjoy the journey of leaving your impact on this world. I love you. Daddy

Nov 16, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Kelly Roach. Kelly is the founder of Kelly Roach Coaching, a rapid growth coaching and consulting company for business owners, entrepreneurs, and executive leaders. She is the author of the #1 best-selling book, “Unstoppable, 9 principles for unlimited success in business and life,” and also the host of Unstoppable Success Radio.

Kelly has a unique background in that she went from being an ex-NFL cheerleader to producing more than $30 million in sales, in record time for a global Fortune 500 firm. She also received 7 promotions in 8 years. It was then that she launched Kelly Roach International, to help businesses do the extraordinary by using innovative strategies to rapidly increase productivity and profits.

One of the things that really caught Dave's attention about Kelly is that her philosophy is deeply rooted in helping others accomplish personal and professional success without compromising the ability to live a balanced, rich life. The key word being balanced. We all know how tough it can be to balance all of the obligations of running a business with making sure you are there for your loved ones…so the fact that Kelly keeps that front and center in her coaching with her clients is special. ​ ​

Kelly grew up in large family just above the poverty line. They were always struggling financially and it caused a lot of stress. Kelly has used her upbringing as motivation to create a life of abundance and freedom. Because of this, her whole mission, in her business, is to help others do the same. She is a huge advocate of building and growing your own business as the best path to success and true financial independence.

At the 4 min mark, Kelly talks about how she realized that becoming wildly successful in a job gave her less freedom and made her more stressed and beholden to it with every promotion she got.

As she says, she realized that “Outward success without inner peace is poverty.” It was this realization that gave the motivation to put her efforts into building her own business and eventually leaving the rat race. And now she is laser focused on helping others do the same.

Kelly’s formula for success, start with simplifying things and focusing on what really matters in driving a business. She starts with making sure the basic infrastructure and pillars for success are there. She say that #1 job is to pull her clients back to reality and help them understand the basic progression of building a business. Things like a sales and marketing system, infrastructure, documented processes and systems that can be duplicated. One of the big things is to have a set number of sales conversations each week that close a set number of clients.

The two areas she would focus most on with a client are sales and leadership.

At the 12 min mark, Kelly talks about the progression of her own business and how she did it. She says, start with one to one sales, then one to many, and then passive revenues like courses and online membership programs.

At the 15 min mark, Kelly talks about she started getting her first clients and how she effectively used different strategies like Facebook Ads.

Kelly spends time talking about mindset and why people need to stop resenting the 1% and join them because the opportunity is available to all of us.

At the 25 min mark, Kelly gives a great example of how her own mind was sabotaging her from getting to the next level in her business and how she realized it, and overcame it. ​

Kelly makes a very good point when it comes to having a coach. She says that even Olympic, elite athletes have a coach to help them in their success. It is the same at all levels of your journey. You will have different coaches, but you need to have the ones at each level to help you in your success.


Best Quote: "Wealth and success without freedom and fulfillment is poverty" 


Kelly's Misfit 3

  1. Look at your current customer base for opportunity! Ask yourself, what have I done lately to get my current customer base to stay longer and spend more? Most business leave thousands of dollars on the table every month because they simply don’t ask what else their clients need or what more they could be doing for them.
  2. Go back and look at where your customer’s came from for the year and rank your sources. Which one or two are the most prevalent? Apply the 80/20 rule and hone your focus on those areas investing more in them. Cut out the others.
  3. Make sure you go back every single month and touch your past inactive customers and reactivate them. They have bought from your before and it doesn’t cost you anything to reach out to them. There is major opportunity here.
Nov 9, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Jesse Maddox. Jesse has a really cool story. He is the founder of TripLingo, one of the most awarded apps in the travel space. TripLingo is the ultimate tool to help travelers communicate when they don’t know a language. It allows you to Learn essential phrases, instantly translate your voice or connect to a live translator, get a crash course on the local culture and so much more.

TripLingo was born, as many of the most useful things in our lives are, out of necessity. For nearly two years ending in 2010, Jesse lived, worked, and traveled in 10 different countries throughout Asia. When he arrived in Vietnam, it didn’t take long to learn that without any language skills it was going to be rough. Lacking language skills, he often found himself frustrated. Perhaps worst of all, he had no sense for the culture he was now living in.

Something had to be done. Yet after an exhaustive search for options in app stores, bookstores, and websites, it became quickly apparent that each option had some fatal flaw. They were either ridiculously expensive, or they tried to teach Jesse phrases that he would never use, or they were simply impractical and difficult to use. Out of this need, the idea for TripLingo was born.

When he got back to the states, he made it his mission to help travelers better communicate and created TipLingo which is now one of the most decorated apps ever in the travel sector and has been featured everywhere from Fast Company, Forbes, Fox Business to Lifehacker.

But the story of how everything came together and the lessons Jesse learned is priceless.

Jesse originally started out wanting to be a lawyer, but saw an opportunity to help make it easier to search for textbooks and started a company around it, his first. That is how he fell in love with entrepreneurship – to take an idea and make it become a reality.

After college, Jesse wanted to spend time abroad. He spent almost 2 years in Vietnam working for Caterpillar. He had a huge problem understanding he language and culture. He had to hire 2 tutors to work with him every day for 9 months. It was out of this experience he learned some important things:

  • A little bit of language knowledge can go a long way
  • Having language knowledge can garner you more respect and help you to have better relationships abroad.
  • You don’t have to be fluent, but even 10% of the knowledge of language and culture can get you 80% of the way there.

Triplingo became a side project at first for Jesse and he continued to work on it as he came back to the states. He left his job in Vietnam and lives in India for 6 months working on the business plan and then came back to the states.

He then began to raise money and found out it was much harder than he thought. He learned quickly that he could not raise money without having a team and readiness to execute.

At the 8 min mark, Jesse tells a great story of how he got TripLingo off the ground. It is a great example of hustle, perseverance, drive, and how you can be “professionally” persistent.

At the 10:50 mark, Jesse talks about transitioning an app from a total consumer focus to a business focus as well as how they did it.

Jesse talks about how challenging it is to start and monetize an app. He talks about how an app really is a delivery vehicle for a service that you are delivering. He also talks about the difference between individual consumer downloads through an app store vs. a business focus. But again, it is the service that they are buying. The app is the vehicle. So think about the service you want to deliver first, then build the app around that.

Jesse discusses the challenges of figuring out a market and selling a product while also developing it out per the feedback they were getting in near real time. They also had to take into account that there were multiple parties involved that affect the tool and how to get them on the same page. He also talks about getting partnerships off the ground.

Jesse offers advice when it comes to raising capital. As he says, “Raising does not only take a tremendous amount of time and energy, but it can be a very soul-sucking endeavor.” Jesse says to avoid unless you absolutely must have it. He also talks about how startup costs for anything technology related are so small compared to years ago that you should exhaust everything there first. It is a lot easier to start a company, but a lot harder to raise money based on just an idea. Investors want to see that you have a good team, good plan, and that you are executing on it. Get some proof and traction first. Lastly, Jesse makes it important to note that people try to raise money too early.

“Do not raise money unless you absolutely have to.”

At the 28 min mark, Jesse talks about marketing and hustle and gives some great tips on business in general.

Elements of a great pitch:

  • Energy and excitement
  • Charisma
  • The materials you use to present should be limited in text, heavier on pictures. They are there to aid you, not be the focus.
  • Ask for help
  • Absolutely understand your audience and what motivates them to decide (and who the real decision maker is)
  • Be bold

Lessons Learned:

  • Luck plays a role, so give yourself a chance to get lucky. Do as much as possible to put yourself in a position to capitalize when the moment comes
  • Make it a real business and don’t’ focus on growing huge without revenue or any profit. Get the revenue, maintain a profit – run it like a real business.
  • Whatever the initial idea is will not be what the ultimate idea is…
  • You have to be open the “throwing your baby out.”


Best Quote “Whatever you initial idea, it is not going to be what the ultimate idea is. Don’t be afraid to throw your baby out.”


Jesse's Misfit 3

  1. If you can avoid it, don’t raise money. Raising money is a full time job that can take the founder(s) eye off the ball and hurt the success of the business. You have to really at a point where you and your business are ready for raising capital. You have to be committed and ready for the time, effort, and potential disappointment that come from this exercise.
  2. In early stages, don’t be greedy with equity. If people are starting with you early when you have no customers or no revenue, they are building the business with you and if you don’t take care of them, as soon as some real challenges or trouble comes up (which it will), then they will leave. Invest in the people willing to take a chance on you and they will invest in you through both good times and bad.
  3. Tell everybody that you know and that will listen to you about your idea. Your idea needs feedback and no one is going to steal it. It is an idea and ideas don’t become reality without execution. Everybody’s too busy to steal it anyway. Get as many people excited and willing to give feedback as possible.
Nov 2, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Marc Mawhinney. Marc is the founder of Natural Born Coaches, a unique company that focuses on helping coaches… become better coaches. Natural Born Coaches was born out of Marc’s life experience. After being in real estate for over a decade, Marc went through a business closure and challenges that almost caused him to give up. It was the help of coaches that got him back on track. After experiencing the power of having a coach, Marc decided that, that is what he wanted to do. But, as with any business, he found that it wasn’t easy and there were many challenges he had to overcome to be successful. In going through this he realized that other coaches are experiencing these same challenges and Marc knew he could help them in their journey. So, he started Natural Born Coaches which now is not just a coaching business, but a top podcast, blog, and resource for coaching success.


Marc started out in real estate at 21 years old and was very successful. Over a decade he built a large business doubling revenues almost every year. In 2009, Marc had 5 companies under one banner with 100 employees, but decided to branch out on his own and start his own brokerage. It was bad timing with the financial crisis and by year’s end had to shut things down.

Marc then went through a 2nd business closure in 2012, also in real estate. So after a decade of success, Marc had two big failures in just a few years. What kept him going was the birth of his son. It gave him purpose to keep going and persevere.

Marc got into coaching after a mentor reached out to him after reading about his failures in the news. This mentor helped him to shift his perspective that others have gone through bad times and overcome. Marc immersed himself into coaching and being coached by mentors throughout the world. As he says, “this saved my life.”

In getting back into business, he wanted to be able to help people as he had been helped. He had coached people in his business and knew he could do it, so he got started.

During this time of learning and getting a coaching business off the ground, Marc learned a lot to be successful and realized that he could help other coaches going through the same things. That is why he started Natural Born Coaches.

At the 10 min point, Marc talks about how he overcame self-limitations that held him back as a coach and things really took off.

Marc talks about how consistency helped overcome the challenges of getting known.

Facebook is Marc’s favorite social media tool and where he focuses his energy.

Marc got his start all organically on Facebook. As Marc says, the key is effort and consistency and that is where he sees some of his clients fall short the most. That means being active every day throughout the day on your mediums. The more value you put out there, the more it will be reflected in your bank account.

Marc’s formula for success on Facebook as two-fold. As, he says, “It’s not scientific, I stay in your face as much as possible.” The other area is Facebook groups. He actively works the group and is in it every day helping people and starting conversations.

First thing to look for when coaching anyone?

Find out what people are afraid of. What is really holding them back? Then work through it with them and overcome it.

What advice do you have for coaches just starting out?

Don’t overthink it out of the gate. Plans are never perfect, so don’t seek the perfect plan and delay your success. Start with a more general focus, then niche down once you find what you really like and are good at. Getting started is more important. Don’t be afraid to “ready, fire, aim.”

For an established coach, what advice would you give to get to the next level? Getting over the “old dog, new tricks” syndrome. You can’t let the world pass you by. Things do change and change more quickly nowadays. Always stay in a state of constant improvement.

If someone is struggling as a coach, how do they get back on track?

  • Be wary of burnout. When you lose the desire, take the time to change things up. Re-energize yourself
  • Expand and start your creative muscle. Look for new ways to help clients or new offerings. Up your fees.
  • Charge what you are worth.

What makes a good coach? Being able to listen, but ask the right questions and dig deep with client, and then enlighten them to find the “ah ha” moment that really helps them make a change and a difference in their lives

Two Important Lessons from Marc: 

  • Patience is critical to success
  • KMF – Keep Moving Forward


Best Quote: “Don’t try to do 20 different things. Find that one thing you enjoy doing that really works for you and then put as much energy into that thing as possible.”


Marc's Misfit 3

  1. Follow your Passion: You’re going to go through ups and downs on your journey and it is the passion for what you do that will keep you going. People that don’t have passion for what they do and are just “in it for the money” tend to quit easier.
  2. Charge What You are Worth: It is better to have less clients and be paid for what you are worth than to have too many clients that you devalue yourself for. Be the best and command your worth.
  3. Be Careful who You Work With: Treat your business like you have a “red velvet rope with security and clipboard” that only allow the right people on the guest list in. Make sure to create the criteria for your clients and don’t let people in if they don’t fit the criteria. The wrong choice of clients or customers will drain you.