
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: October, 2016

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

Oct 26, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Leigh Bundy. Leigh is the founder of Team Beast Mode Australia, a unique firm that works with individuals to help them unleash their true potential. Leigh has an interesting story. A number of years ago, Leigh went through an experience that caused him to lose almost everything, including over $850,000, and force him to move from his penthouse apartment back home with his parents. His life spiraled out of control and he hit rock bottom.

As Dave says in the podcast, many times in people’s lives, things happen for a reason and in this case, hearing Leigh’s story, he had to go through what he went through to meet the person that changed his life. This person, who has become Leigh’s soul mate, Regan, taught lee how to take control of his emotions and turned Leigh on to learning about psychology and the mind. Leigh immersed himself into studying the power of the mind and became a Master NLP practitioner, Master of Hypnosis, a Success Strategist, and studied spiral dynamics.

He and Regan went on to found Beast Mode in 2013, created a reality TV show called “Through the Eyes of the Beast,” and now work throughout Australia, New Zealand, and India and Indonesia.

Leigh talks about his journey and about how he would get ahead and he would lapse because he didn’t understand the mind and how it impacted his daily life and success.

Leigh discusses how he learned about programming the subconscious to be “unconscious competent” which is when you subconscious has been trained through repetition to react in the way you want it to further your success or get you what you want.

The difference between when say you believe something and when you actually program your mind to do and be that person that you want to manifest in your life.

At the 6 min mark Leigh talks about his tipping point where he finally made a change and the catalyst for it. Interestingly, the catalyst that made him to say “enough was enough” was the pain that he was causing for himself and his loved ones. He simply could not take it anymore and lifted himself out his self-imposed downward spiral.

At the 8 min market, Leigh begins to go in depth on the subconscious. As he says, your subconscious leads to your thoughts, your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feelings lead to your behaviors, and then your behaviors lead to your actions. Your programming is like a computer processor.

Leigh discusses NLP and what he calls “pre-framing” your thoughts and teaching your mind what the positive learning is to take away from an event because your subconscious can’t hold onto a positive or negative at the same time.

Liegh talks about how the mind naturally will hold on more to negative emotional events in your life and your job is to re-program it with a positive set of thoughts for those events. He talks about the importance of making things a daily routine and how that routine becomes habit and begins to manifest in your life.

At the 11:50 mark, Leigh gives his formula for how he trains his subconscious. The first thing he does in the morning is what he calls “Success Priming.” This is typically done while moving on something like a walk where you visualize your goals, understanding what you are thinking, feeling, etc. You then “prime” your mind with the positive thoughts of where you want and will be going. Then 2 hours before bed, Leigh does what he calls “A Results Creator.” This is not a “to do” list as much as it is getting your mind ready for the next day and speaking your success/results into existence. The last thing he does is a “Daily Debrief.” This is a quick of analysis of where he went wrong during his day and then visualizing and thinking about what he will do to change and keep himself from doing that again.

Leigh spends about an hour out of his day for all of this.

Pay attention at the 20 min mark where we discuss how just having passion doesn’t translate to success, it’s the action that goes with it. And Leigh gives the simple way he started Beast Mode

Leigh says, “Remember, the more you push, even if it’s one step in front of the other, you’re still moving forward.”

Leigh’s Triple “S” to Success:

  1. Strategy: Get the correct strategy, path, systems, and people around you.
  2. Story: Tell the right story to yourself and about yourself. “I am moving forward.” “I can do this.”
  3. State: Get youself in the right energy state. One of empowerment for what you want to accomplish.

At the 31 minute mark, Leigh talks about creating obsessions and how they can take you to your next level.


Best Quote: “Don’t do something because it sounds cool or for the money, do something because if makes you into a better person.”


Leigh’s Misfit 3

  1. Become the identity and the character that you need to become to manifest your dreams and your goals. You cannot reach higher levels or new goals without making changes in yourself. You can do this incrementally by starting to work in things into your life that you know you need to do to become that person. Whether it is a healthier choice for a meal or getting up 30 minutes earlier every day so you can better plan for success, you know what you should be doing. Make the commitment and do it!
  2. Choose your environment wisely: Choose the right people to have in your life, challenge you, and help you to reach your goals. Who is someone in your life that embodies this? Seek more like them
  3. Be deliberate about what you are doing and why. If what you are doing is not making you into a better person, how you are going to reach your goals and help others? Look hard at your life and look for areas that are not fulfilling and decide if you need to eliminate them so you can focus on the areas that are fulfilling for you.
Oct 19, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Ryan Biddulph. Ryan is the founder of Blogging From Paradise. He’s done what so many people say they want to do… quit their job, travel the world, and fund their lifestyle by making money online. And in Ryan’s case, not just some money – a lot of money. Ryan’s story is amazing. He bounced around from job to job, making just enough to get by. And after getting downsized, he finally had enough and decide to make his dream a reality.

Since then he’s been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin blog, Forbes, The Huffington Post and Neil Patel Dot Com. He’s spoken around the world and of course traveled the world everywhere from Fiji to Thailand and everything in between with his family. Ryan’s written 126 E-books, and that is not a typo – one hundred twenty six! Been featured on 200+ blogs and has a number of businesses surrounding Blogging from Paradise. And he did all of this in less than 5 years!

8 years ago Ryan was a security guard in New Jersey. It took a catalyst of getting laid off to spur him to do something more in life and more fulfilling. Starting out, he didn’t even know what a blog was! But he figured some things out over a couple years. Within about 5 years he was making enough money to fund his lifestyle and travel the world. But something was off. The way he was doing it just didn’t give him the true fulfillment and passion he was looking for.

So he did what anyone making a lot of money through a business online that was funding a lifestyle to travel the world would do – he trashed it all and started over from scratch! He was scared, but he know starting over he could do it right and really follow his passion and that is how Blogging from Paradise came to be. That was 2 years ago and now Ryan is one of the most sought after blogging experts.

At the 6 min mark, Ryan talks about taking a failure/setback and turning it into an opportunity.

At the 8 min mark, Ryan talks about what it means to be open to opportunity

Ryan’s tips for success and being a successful blogger:

  1. Follow your fun. The work needs to be the reward or you won’t stick with it. (Ryan talks about how he literally started out to crickets and would get maybe a couple visits per day to his blog.
  2. Created content that is helpful
  3. Connect with influencers in your niche

Pay close attention at the 12 min mark, Ryan tells you how to connect with top influencers and get them to promote you and your message, and how he used this secret to launch his first book.

Some fundamental tips for successful blogging:

81% of bloggers never make more than $100 during their entire online career. Because they skip the first few fundamentals which are being present and being mindful. The focus must be on developing authentic, powerful relationships over the long term. More than anything, focus on your inner game and be prepared to learn from your mistakes and get better every day. The mindset makes a huge difference.

What is the right mindset?

A lot is carrying an intent vs. just goals. Making sure you are focusing on the right tasks. For blogging that is creating and connecting. Spend your time giving and promoting others, giving value through what you do. Focus on giving and the process of it and it will make a huge difference for you. The rest will come. Don’t focus on “getting” because you will never be successful that way.

What about if someone wants to do blogging part time?

You still have to follow your fun. Strategy-wise, if you only have 8-10 hours/week focus on doing one thing really well, because where you attention and energy goes, grows. Start by focusing on writing 500-1000 words a day and a few mins a day on social and a few blog comments if you can. Then maybe write 2 really good guest posts per month.

Most Effective Ways to Monetize?

Ryan, “My passions precede my biggest profits.” For Ryan that is E-books, Freelance writing, converting his e-books to Audible, and blog consulting. Ryan has also used affiliate marketing and sponsored posts.

Lessons Ryan has learned:

1. Don’t get attached to business outcomes. Focus on what you enjoy doing vs. the outcome.

2. Be open to learning at all times. Spend 5 hours every week away from your business learning. Read, learn, implement

3. Persist – Push through, have faith, and keep at it 4. Embrace your fears. Really deal with your emotions and deep fears as they are most like holding you back and you have to get over them.


Best Quote:  “Many times the biggest life changing moments come wrapped in what appears to be misfortune or something that appears to be really negative”


Ryan’s Misfit 3

  1. Follow your fun. The more your focus on a niche that you are very passionate about, if you follow your fun, it will carry you to places you never dreamed of. Ask yourself, “What can you talk about all day long?” Use that as your topic, tie into pain points, and help people with your message.
  2. Double Down on Personal Development: Most limits are self-imposed. It’s always how you perceive things. Success is an inside job. What limiting beliefs do you have that you need to face and get rid of?
  3. Make friends with successful people from your niche. You learn more, make other connections, and find that these people will help you in your success as well. Is there a person that you know you should be connecting with that you haven’t that can help you in your success? What are you waiting for!
Oct 12, 2016

In this episode, Dave is excited to welcome Stacey Mckibbin. Stacey is the President and COO of Multivariable Solutions, a consulting company devoted to helping companies, and the people within, to achieve the results they desire. They have a special focus on cementing the foundations or roots of a business to ensure greater, more scalable growth and success.

Stacey is also a Certified Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) – which we have a lot of fun exploring in this interview - and a Certified hypnotist.

Before becoming the President of Multi-Variable Solutions, Stacey helped lead a startup that grew to over $36 million in just under 18 months before sale.

Connect with Stacey on LinkedIn

Stacey gives us a lot of great content and useful information.


Topics Covered Include:

  • Learn how to feel the fear and do it anyway
  • Stacey gives some great thoughts on working in startups and becoming an entrepreneur that everyone can use no matter where they are in their career.
  • We discuss the good (and the bad) of growing an organization from $0 to over $36 million in 18 months.
  • Stacey tells us the best decision she ever made and how it made her an even better entrepreneur...and how you can use it to help your career.
  • We go in-depth on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), the steps you can take to put it into use in your life, and how important it can be to your success.


Pay close attention at the 10 minute mark as Stacey talks about how your beliefs lead to your results and how you can control this process.

We have a large discussion on the DISC personality profile and how this simple test and understanding of personalities can change your results and relationships dramatically.

Stacey gives us "The Platinum Rule" describing it as Treat others how they want to be treated and gives us some great examples of how this rule pays off.

Lastly, Stacey talks about how you your strengths can actually become your weaknesses and what to watch out for.


Best Quote: Ask yourself, “What’s useful to believe?”


Stacey’s Misfit 3

  1. LBNT – Evaluate yourself and your performance by asking yourself every chance you get "L-B-N-T"….What did I LIKE BEST and what would I do better NEXT TIME.
  2. Ask yourself in situations, "What’s useful to believe?" And then choose the beliefs you want to have in that scenario and put them to use.
  3. Ask yourself, "Who do you get to become from choosing the beliefs you want to have?" Fix that person in your mind and what they are capable of and then manifest in your life. This will help you to grow in all areas.
Oct 5, 2016

This episode was recorded beachside with Dave's good friend and entrepreneur, Christian Redman, AKA Flipper SurfGiant. Flipper has done what most people dream of doing. Giving up the so called "Rat Race," and moving to a tropical paradise and totally reinventing himself. Flipper is now the most sought after dive master on the Big Island of Hawaii and people come from all over the world to spend time with him and learn from him about the amazing world underwater. His guests include Hollywood A-Listers, Business titans, and other dignitaries. But, you'd never know from meeting him. With all he has done, he has managed to keep his amazing humility and childlike sense of fun that most people rarely do.

Flipper has also created an incredibly unique online brand using Facebook that touches thousands and thousands of people's lives every day throughout the world.

This is one of those interviews that you just love to listen to. Enjoy!

Flipper SurfGiant on Facebook

Flipper's Under the Sea


In this episode we cover a number of topics, but its best to just listen to Flipper and his subtle wisdom and life advice.

Topics Covered Include:

  • How Flipper reinvented himself and overcame the fear of doing it
  • Selling through stories and how powerful that can be
  • How to relate to people you've never met through common mediums like Star Wars!
  • Balancing seriousness with fun
  • How your outlook on life determines your success
  • Why fear is good and how to overcome it
  • Carving out your niche
  • Turning "fun" into a business and a brand
  • Challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone
  • Creating a social brand through rebellion and exclusivity


Best Quote: Having fear is good because it shows you what direction your need to go and what you need to stand up to, to get to your next level.


Flipper’s Misfit 3

  1. Practice Patience – Patience allows you to not react, but respond in the right way for the best outcomes
  2. Work backwards to create your systems in business and in life. Start with the end in mind and work back to the beginning from there. Is there a process or system in your life that isn't performing as it should? Try this method.
  3. Find your calling and don’t be afraid to go after it. Even if it is doing it in little bites at a time. Act and Do it!