This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Michelle Parisa Wazek – also known as Michele PW. Michele is the copywriter to the stars. She has worked with everyone from Brian Tracy to Lisa Sasevich and over the last 8 years, her “love based” copy and marketing philosophy has sold nearly $50 million dollars in products and services.
Michele is a best-selling author many times over, has appeared across countless media, and works with hundreds of clients throughout the world helping them to, as she says, “Build a business your love that loves you back.”
But like many successful entrepreneurs, she does things differently and approaches her craft with a completely different view than the norm. She does it by employing love. When I first met Michele, I was incredibly intrigued with this approach, especially after hearing that it continues to generate millions of dollars annually. So, I asked her to come on the show and share her biggest secrets to help you find more success in your business.
Podcast: Love Based Money
Everything all started for Michele when she was 3 and taught herself to read to because she wanted to write books. Being a writer has been a driving influence throughout her life. When she got to college, she discovered “direct response” copywriting. She helps people sell one to many through her copywriting.
Connecting with people is one of the most critical things for businesses today – What is the most important fundamental thing people need to do to genuinely connect?
- Being genuine is the key to connecting
- The online marketing industry is having a “come to Jesus moment” as it is turning into a mature niche
- A lot of people are not sure what to do
- What is working is getting back to the basics and not just throwing a bunch at fancy marketing, but really building relationships with people
How does someone know they are hitting the mark? What are the people that are “doing well”…doing well?
- Your insides must match your outsides – you have to be able to walk the walk
- Be committed to your highest purpose and not attached to the results
- True honesty – be honest about where you are at
- Authenticity, Authenticity. Authenticity
- Show up and be a master of your craft
At the 11-min mark, Michele answers the question, “What is Love-Based Copywriting?” and is so important to listen to what she says!
- Loved based copywriting is persuading someone to take action like anything else, but it is the how.
- In order to get someone to take action, you must tap into their emotion
- Emotions are love or fear-based – most copywriting/messaging focuses on fear
“Don’t build your business on a foundation of fear…”
- Market and come from a place of higher power is the foundation of love-based copywriting. When you come from love instead of fear you build better connections and a better business.
- Focus on what ignites and inspires people – what inspires you? What would make you want to act? Think in those terms…
At the 15:30 mark, Michele gives examples of what she has done with clients.
- Love-based is about educating and stepping back and let the client make the choice...stand in your power
- There is a correct way to respectfully acknowledge your prospects pain. Pain helps you grow emotionally and spiritually.
- Don’t turn pain into suffering with focused on worry or anger in your marketing
- Acknowledge the pain is there, but come from a mindset that you are committed to everyone getting what they want, you are not attached, and you don’t have to rescue – stand in your power.
Copywriting is the same as salesmanship in print – how would you act if you were in front of someone looking in their eyes?
At the 22 min mark, Michele give some great advice on selling. Pay attention where she talks about how clients and not you need to rescue themselves.
Formula for a successful copywriting campaign?
- Michelle has a love-based copy template that is available for free on her website, but gives the steps
- Step one: Knowing who your ideal client is. You must know them like you know your best friend. You know their pain and are passionate about truly helping them. Be committed to get the client’s needs met, but not attached to the outcome.
- Step 2: The correct use of pain – What is keeping them up at night? How is your product and service going to help?
- Step 3: Coming from a mindset of abundance and being committed, but not attached. People will sense if you are coming from fear and you won’t be as successful.
Best ways to get feedback?
- Open-ended surveys – you want their words
- Facebook groups allow for good research
Common mistakes made in copywriting?
- Being too general and not specific
- When you are too generic, your ideal prospects are not going to see you
- People are looking for specialists to help them and not generalists
Tips for generating leads?
- It’s how you “decorate the door”
- You want to address the perceived problem – even if it may be the wrong one.
- Michelle gives a great example on this at the 41 min mark
- Take stock of all the things that make up the perceived problem and how they relate. Be specific and call them out in your opt-in pages
Biggest failure?
Michelle did not use “loved-based” copy in the beginning, she did more fear-based
She would follow what clients wanted even if it made her uncomfortable
Recommended tools?
- Infusionsoft
- Clickfunnels
- Michelle’s advice is to find the ones that work best for you, but don’t get to attached to the bells and whistles – but your ability focus on being authentic and staying in tune with yourself with them.
Best Quote: “Don’t build your business on a foundation of fear…”
Michele's Misfit 3:
- Be open to sitting and feeling your emotions.
- Sit and breath into the emotion, feel it, let it move through you and you can break it.
- Meditation is a very useful way to help control your emotions Create a ritual for when you do things like having a sales call or writing copy – take some time to focus on your vision and tap into your anchor.