
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: September, 2018

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

Sep 26, 2018

Hello Misfit Nation! Welcome to another edition of "Lessons for Hannah!" In November of 2016, we introduced a new format that we are putting alongside our regular episodes called “Lessons for Hannah.” Hannah is my daughter and one of the main inspirations for the Misfit Entrepreneur. I wanted to have a place where she could go and learn from her daddy and his Misfit friends throughout her life….even after I am gone. If you haven’t listened to the first episode of "Lessons for Hannah," I urge you to as it gives some more background and tells the amazing story of how Hannah came to be in our lives.

"Lessons for Hannah" are short, very useful, and sometimes comical lessons, that I have learned which I want to share with you and give to Hannah to help in your lives. Because I want Hannah to have these for her life, I’m going to speak as though I am talking directly to her. These episodes are a lot of fun and if you think there is a lesson that we should include in these episodes, please don’t hesitate to send it over to us at We’d love to share it.

This week’s Lesson for Hannah

Hannah, I want to talk to you about perspective. It is very important to keep perspective in your life as you grow and as you find more success. It is even more important to keep perspective in the rough times. Do you know what the chances of you being alive in this world are? They are 10 to the 2,685, 000th power.

To put that in perspective (ha!), that is the same as if about 2.5 million people, or approximately the population of Chicago, all got together to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. And they each roll the dice — and they all come up the exact same number. It is an absolute miracle.

In fact, for you to be here, trillions probably never were. Now take it a step further. Think about what the chances are of mommy and I finding you and us becoming a family – it is almost unfathomable.

You, we and everybody listening to this episode are a miracle. No matter where you are in your life or what life has dealt you – cherish the gift that you have been given of this life.

Recently, a good friend of your mother and I’s, Adam, passed away. He was 39 years old. He left behind an amazing family with 4 beautiful kids (all under 10) and a devoted wife, Grace. It wasn’t a freak accident or anything like that. He was swimming. Simple swimming. He was doing the same swimming workout he regularly did on a Saturday morning and bam, a cardiac event took him.

As a fitness enthusiast and endurance athlete, this really hit home. Adam wasn’t in bad shape. He had a vibrant life. He was an MBA, entrepreneur, and professor at not one, but two colleges. He had a good life. And just like that, at 39 years old, it was over. This hit home with me because you just never know when it is your time. And as I heard about when this happened on that Saturday, I realized that it was at the exact same time that I was riding my bike in preparation for my next Ironman and was about 3 miles from home when I got smacked in the face with the biggest bug I had ever seen.

This caused me to immediately swerve and react taking my eyes off the road. I started to veer into the road, but at the last second pulled it back and ran off the road into a side yard. I was able to look up just in time to see I was about to smack a mailbox, at 20 miles an hour, and at the last second, I dropped down and let the bike skid out from under me with the side of my thigh hitting the mailbox. The bruise was there for about 3 weeks after and covered an area about the size of an iphone. I got myself up, dusted off, got back on the bike and headed home not really thinking anything of it. But, as I heard the news later that weekend about Adam, It quickly brought me back to that moment. Damn was I lucky. I mean, if there had been a car next to me at the time, what could have happened? If I didn’t see the mailbox at the last possible second and make the move I did, who knows.

The point is that you do never really know when it is your time. Adam was an amazing father, friend, and just a great person in this world. We all should. No, we all must - Strive to be the best we can be for ourselves and to the world and realize the amazing miracle that we are even alive – and cherish it because, it can be gone in the blink of an eye. To me that is perspective and it is a good thing to keep with you as you go through life.

Adam, you will be missed, my friend, and I know that your family will cherish the memories and all of the light you brought into their lives. You will always be with them. It was incredible to see the hundreds upon hundreds celebrate your life and realize your impact at your memorial. I can only hope that I am able to have one-hundredth of the impact you had. I love you, buddy. Rest in peace.

And Hannah, I hope that you can use this lesson to keep you going in good times and in bad and use it to remind yourself to always be your best no matter where you are in life or what happens to you. Always remember to keep your perspective and be thankful for and cherish your life.

I love you,



Best Quote: “You, we and everybody listening to this episode are a miracle. No matter where you are in your life or what life has dealt you – cherish the gift that you have been given of this life."


  1. It is an absolute miracle that you are alive. For you to be here, trillions were not. Cherish it.
  2. Keep perspective. No matter what stage you are in your life and what level of success you reach. Make sure that you find a way to remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive and have an impact on this world. Never take it for granted.
  3. You never know when it is your time, so be sure to live your life in the best way you can, so when it is your time, you leave this world with relatively few regrets.
Sep 19, 2018

This week we have a very special episode for you in that we are having a Misfit Entrepreneur on for a second time. This is rarity and not something I would typically do, but when I saw what he was doing and the message that he’s created, I had to have him back on to discuss it. Misfit Nation, this week’s Misfit Entrepreneur, the only two time guest at this point, is Bedros Keuillian.

So, let me tell you why I am having Bedros back on and for those of you that don’t know who Bedros is…Bedros escaped communism, came to the US with nothing and now He is a high performance coach, speaker, and business consultant. He's the founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, a two time Inc. 5000 listed business and one of the nation’s fastest-growing franchises, and an investor in over a dozen companies ranging from software, digital media agencies, and educational and consulting services. He's known as the hidden genius that entrepreneurs, best-selling authors, and thought leaders turn to when they want to quickly scale their businesses and build impact-focused brands.

Bedros has just released a new book with a message that I think is incredibly timely and society needs to hear. It’s called “Man Up: How to Cut the Bullshit and Kick Ass in Business and in Life.”

After hearing that title you can probably guess why I brought him back on…but what is most important is not just the message of the book, but the real, tried and tested actions Bedros will teach you that you can start using now to reach your full potential now.

Bedros calls himself the “Immigrant Edge” and the “American Dream.” His family escaped the Soviet Union when he was 5 with 2 suitcases to their names and no one spoke English. He grew up with nothing and very poor. He had a lot of anxiety and pain about not being able to fit in and numbed his pain with eating.

In 11th grade, he wanted to ask a girl to the prom. He knew he had to lose some weight. He was very overweight with low self-esteem. He spent the summer between junior and senior year working out and came back to school losing over 30 lbs with a little more self-esteem, but still didn’t have the confidence to ask a girl out. But that summer made a difference for him. He originally had planned to leave school and go to technical school, but after seeing the difference he made in himself, he decided he wanted to help other have and feel the same transformation.

He decided to become a personal trainer instead. He got certified, but had not clients and even the few he got weren’t paying him much. He got two side jobs, one as a bouncer and one as a fry cook at Disneyland. He was always tired. One of his clients asked him about it and pointed out how he was poor at marketing and sales. The client brought him a sales tape on how to sell better. That lead to Bedros diving into personal growth. Before long, he was having more success and then creating personal training studios. He was able to sell those in the early 2000’s and then started coaching and consulting personal trainers on how to do what he had done.

That became the base of what he has done today in coaching and consulting, and the creation of Fit Body Bootcamp a franchise that now has over 700 locations worldwide and opening up dozens per month.

At the 12 min mark, Bedros explains what the most important message he wants to teach people with Man Up…

  • Entrepreneurs are islands. We suffer in silence.
  • Bedros went through this when he started to build the business around Fit Body Bootcamp
  • As he grew a larger organization, he found he was missing something. He had good control a solopreneur or with a few employees, but as the business grew, he knew he was not equipped for the task.
  • He was a poor communicator and started to have a bad relationship with employees. He was passive aggressive and had animosity.
  • He was unclear in his vision and in explaining it to employees He realized he was not equipped to “win the game.”
  • He actually gave up on things, but after self-reflection realized everything came down to his leadership and he hadn’t “manned up” to take responsibility.
  • The book is designed to teach people how to be a better leader through taking ownership, learning to communicate better, becoming better at decision making, emotional resilience, and how to be clearer on your mission and vision.

After everything you’ve learned and done to this point, what’s the #1 thing you’ve seen that holds other back from reaching their fullest potential?

  • Everyone is afraid to take full ownership
  • They must stop making excuses, take control of the situation, and rise to the challenges.
  • The most effective thing you can to control your outcome is the become a “Control King or Queen.”

You start the book by taking about leading self. Explain that.

  • Lead from the front. It starts with self-discipline.
  • You cannot expect others to do things you haven’t done or demonstrated the discipline to do.
  • Practice tell, show do. Tell your team what you are looking for them to do. Show them exactly what it is. Then ask them to do it. Don’t assume that people just get it.

Tell us about the 5% rule…

  • It is critical for anyone leading anything
  • The leader must focus on their 5%. The 5% of things that they are extraordinary at.
  • The 5% are the biggest levers a leader can only do
  • The leader must then delegate the 95% of things they are not the best at

How can someone uncover their purpose, vision, and path – and then make it a reality?

  • It more about developing your purpose, developing a skill.
  • Most don’t take the time to get introspective and ask, “What do I really want?”
  • What are your drivers? Money, meaning, possessions?
  • You can have all 3, but you must create meaning alongside what you want.
  • Don’t’ jump around other people’s purposes and desires – you must develop your own.

At the 38 min mark, Bedros shares the practices and habits that leaders must do to build great, high-performing teams…

  • Reading about the Navy SEALs gave Bedros some of his best advice for building a team.
  • If you notice, the are called “SEAL Teams” not SEAL individuals.
  • A team is a group of individuals brought together to compete against an opponent and win.
  • There is a difference between having a true team and having employees
  • Teams are outcome driven and obsessed with beating the opponent together doing what it takes.
  • As a leader, it is your responsibility to get our team members to play up to their highest potential.
  • A great example is if you find a book or message that helps you as a leader, you should share it with your team and engage them to learn the material.
  • Or send them to a training or event to teach them more

Outside teams vs. Inside Teams

  • Outside teams are friends, consultants, and coaches you work within your industry.
  • Your inside team are the people on your teams in your business that you lead on a daily basis.
  • Your outside team holds you accountable. You hold your inside team accountable.

We all have this book of our life and unfortunately most people hand the pen over to others to write the book, when they are the ones that should be writing it. Take the pen back and decide for yourself what the pages really look like.


Best Quote: “We all have this book of our life and unfortunately most people hand the pen over to others to write the book, when they are the ones that should be writing it. Take the pen back and decide for yourself what the pages really look like.”


Bedros's Misfit 3:

Leadership is critical. It is the problem and the solution

Leadership starts with self-discipline. Work on yourself first. Lead from the front and then set high expectations.

You do hold the pen. Take back control of your life and your story.

Sep 12, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Noah St. John. Noah St. John is known by many as “The World’s Most Trusted Peak Performance Coach” and is famous for helping entrepreneurs get rid of their head trash and make more money.

He has been featured worldwide, everywhere from ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Parade Magazine,, and The Huffington Post. He’s also the only author in history to have works published by Hay House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Mindvalley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.

You no doubt can probably guess why I decided to have Noah on the show. Money is one of the most emotional and challenging things in life for most people to manage. It can create problems or when you learn take control of it mentally and emotionally, used to do incredible things and help leave an impact on the world.

I’ve asked Noah to come today to help you learn how to do the latter with your money

Noah “grew up poor in a rich neighborhood.” He was born in Kennebunkport, MA, lived at the end of a dirt road his parents ultimately lost the house to foreclosure. Noah hated the life of poverty and fear and lack as he stared at the abundance around him. He wanted to get out, but he didn’t know how to do it.

He went to the library and started reading about personal and spiritual growth, but just couldn’t seem to put was he was learning together and was living in a feeling of desperation. At the age of 25, he decided to commit suicide. At the very last moment, his life was spared – so he committed his life to serving. But, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. It took another 5 years before he truly discovered his mission, in 1997.

He had 2 epiphanies. One was how to change his thought patterns and conditioning by asking powerful questions and the other is something Noah has come to call, Success Anorexia.

At the 7 min mark, I ask Noah, What is “Head Trash” and how to we get rid of it? How do we get un-stuck? The answer is a must listen.

  • Noah asks, “What does it mean to be stuck? What is causing it? And how can we get rid of it?”
  • People have a feeling of being overwhelmed.
  • Being stuck happened because of your “head trash.” The voice in your head that says, I can’t do it, because…(fill in the blank)
  • The damaging about head trash is that you always make yourself right…what you tell yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • It keeps you stuck for the very reason that you’re telling yourself it’s true.
  • You must learn to recognize it and get rid of it.

What is the process that someone needs to start to become aware to their head trash and begin to make real change to it?

  • First, write down where your head trash is affecting you. What is your “I can’t do it, because…” Write them down.
  • Do you consciously want to hold yourself back from succeeding? No
  • You have to fight the impulses and urges to sabotage yourself by recognizing your negative thought patterns and stop them.

How does someone go about changing their automatic responses and habits from their conditioned mind?

At the 17 min mark, Noah explains the Power Habits of Unconsciously Successful People…

  • There are the naturals of success, 1-2% of people who are unconsciously competent in allowing themselves to succeed.
  • The problem is that they are not helpful to the 99% of people that have real head trash that they don’t.
  • One of the foundational power habits is afformations – NOT and affirmation.
  • The human brain operates using questions not statements – it searches for answers.
  • Telling yourself “I am rich” does not activate the brain.” Instead ask yourself, “Why am I so rich?” This makes your brain start to search for the answer. This is the law of sowing and reaping. You are sowing seeds of thought. Most are sowing lousy thoughts seeds. When you ask lousy questions, you get lousy answers and a lousy life.
  • You must ask phenomenal questions which give you phenomenal answers which give you a phenomenal life.
  • to learn more

Outside of understanding their thinking and how it relates to money, what are the other two money mistakes that people make?

  • Not having a mentor and trying to do everything yourself
  • A true mentor has to have 3 elements:
    • They must be where you want to be
    • Do they have a system that has helped anybody else?
    • Do they actually help you get there?
  • The 3rd money mistake people make is gathering too much information without giving yourself permission to succeed.
  • We are overloaded with information and if you gather too much information without taking action, it doesn’t matter.
  • There is no lack of information, but a lack of transformation. Knowledge is no longer power, because access to information is everywhere.
  • Knowledge into action is power.
  • Yes, you will make mistakes. It doesn’t matter – get going.

What are the other Power Habits?

  • Systems of support. You must put in place systems of support with people, activities, environment, introspection, and simplify.
  • Goal-free zones. Give yourself permission to stop setting goals. Give yourself the ability to stop and recharge.
  • Find your “Because.” There are “why tos” and “why not tos.” One is the foot on the gas and one is on the break. But, more importantly is finding your because – your mission.

What are the top things entrepreneurs need to be focused on in today’s world to succeed?

  • You have to understand the incredible importance of your inner game.
  • You still have to focus on your outer game but balance it with the inner game. You succeed from the inside out.

Who do you go to for mentorship?

Dr. Steven Covey


Best Quote: “You must ask phenomenal questions which give you phenomenal answers which give you a phenomenal life..”


Noah's Misfit 3:

  • Use “Afformations”, the empowering questions to help you succeed.
  • Focus a big part of your effort on mastering your inner game and removing head trash.
  • Give yourself permission to succeed!
Sep 5, 2018

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Tofe Evans. Tofe’s story is incredible. First off, he wrote the runaway best-seller, Everyone Has a Plan Until Shit Hits the Fan – if that tells you anything. But, Tofe has been to hell and back and what he has learned about life, resilience, and the human spirit is remarkable.

Tofe came back from literally almost losing his life. He dedicated everything to teaching people what he has learned and raising awareness for various causes. Tofe pushes every limit and boundary he can find through being a top endurance athlete. In fact, he completed over 40 endurance events in one year just to raise awareness for cancer research, as well as a 60-kilometer ultramarathon on Mt. Everest – yes, that mt. Everest, for Cystic Fibrosis.

As he says, he is on a mission to help transform those who are feeling week or worthless into warriors and I can’t wait for him his to share everything he’s got for you today. Word to the wise, this will be a raw unfiltered episode, because that is who Tofe is, so get ready for a wild ride!

Tofe’s journey started when he was a kid and fell in love with traveling. He tried a number of businesses to fund the life he wanted – but he failed and it wore on him to the point where adversity seemed to be his normal state of life. He started to become something different, self-destructive. He would put on masks, so people didn’t see what he really was, but it didn’t work. He became a terrible person to people.

He finally couldn’t take the loneliness and disconnect from being human and even attempted to kill himself by taking enough drugs where he thought her would overdose. For some reason, it didn’t work. He had to get help to work on his mental health. And in starting to open up and going through the process of re-finding himself, he started to learn how adversity could be a blessing and how he could use it to fuel his recovery.

He also started to self-educate and that is when he came up with the idea that he would run his first marathon. For him, once he made the decision, he realized that it was like life super condensed. Training and do the race was a great metaphor for life.

At the 9:30 mark, Tofe shares how a marathon is a great metaphor for life.

After completing the marathon. He was hooked and asked the question “How can we make a difference through doing this?”

So, he connected with a friend and they started on a journey where they did over 40 different events in one year to raise money for various causes.

After everything you’ve been through and done, what have you found that matters most?

  • The fundamentals of life: Food, water, shelter, family
  • Family can be your close friends and family, your inner circle

At the 11 min mark, Tofe talks about the differences he has noticed between developing countries and first world countries.

  • The people are very poor so they focus on the fundamentals
  • In 1st world countries, we have everything so easily accessible, which makes us shy away from adversity and not embrace it and use it to better ourselves as human beings
  • People won’t remember you for the material items, but for the impact you bring
  • Ask anyone who’s run a marathon, they don’t care what kind of food they have after, even it’s just banana. They really care what kind of bed they have if they have a place to rest. The fundamentals are what matter when they strip everything away.

Explain Adversity x Mindset x Gratitude

  • It’s the Practical Resilience Framework. Once you have all 3 working in play, it gives an exponential effect.
  • It starts with adversity of any kind. It is the fuel that is needed to grow. It teaches you how to have a “6 pack mind” as a 6-pack mind is much better to have than a 6-pack body.
  • Overcoming adversity teaches you a mindset of grit and how to push through your limitation.
  • Once you’ve been through things and have had the experience both good and bad, you feel the gratitude and are more likely to give back and help others.
  • We are made of the same elements (carbon, water, etc.) and the average human uses only 1/20 of the their potential. We are destined to be far greater than we realize.

“You can’t compare yourself to others. Comparing is a cancer.”

What have you learned about the capabilities of the human spirit…

  • It comes down to compassion and empathy
  • You truly understand the value of something when it is taken away from you
  • The human spirit relays back to community and family.

How can people practice practical resilience in their lives? Listen at the 25 min mark as Tofe goes into more detail on the items below.

  • It comes back to Adversity x Mindset x Gratitude
  • Think of it like a Ven- Diagram where the sweet spot is in the middle
  • The first step is to acknowledge what you have been through and gone through
  • Ask yourself what the mindset was that go you through it?
  • Since you have been through it, do you have more wisdom and knowledge?Do you see how you can be grateful for it?

How can we get rid of the barriers keeping us from our greatness?

  • Remove the negative people from your life
  • Be around people of action and that are striving for something
  • Try not to be idle
  • Dream of the impossible
  • Tap into your creativity – remember the world you would create for yourself when you were a kid where anything was possible
  • We have the world at our fingertips – What do you want to do before you die? Start small and work your way up to bigger things.
    • Focus on the small victories that are on the pathway to the larger goal
  • If it’s not illegal, immoral, or unethical, just do it! Say yes.

At the 36 min mark, Tofe explains what to do when “shit hits the fan”

It comes down to 2 things…

  • Adapting
  • Bouncing Back

Don’t be too attached to the outcome, instead focus on the process of what it takes to get there as that is the real work and where the real effort is needed.

Pay close attention to your habits because “The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken”

How does all of this that we’ve discussed translate to entrepreneurship?

  • Use the Practical Resilience Framework
  • Adaptation is critical
  • You have to take care of your mental health at the same level you take care of the rest of your health
  • Embrace the process and small victories
  • Don’t go it alone

At the 46 min mark, Tofe talks about what it is like to run 0ver 60 KM’s on Mount Everest…


Best Quote: “Practice “Present Focused Living.” Depression is when you are living too much in the past and anxiety is when you are living too far in the future.”


Tofe's Misfit 3:

  1. Understand that whatever adversity you are going through will make you who you are as a person.
  2. Do something scary every day. List your 10 top fears and start with your easiest one.
  3. Practice gratitude so that it becomes one of your primary traits. List the top 100 things you are grateful for.