Hello Misfit Nation! Welcome to another edition of "Lessons for Hannah!" Many years ago, I introduced a new format that alongside our regular episodes called “Lessons for Hannah.” Hannah is my daughter and one of the main inspirations for the Misfit Entrepreneur. I wanted to have a place where she could go and learn from her daddy and his Misfit friends throughout her life….even after I am gone. If you haven’t listened to the first episode of "Lessons for Hannah," I urge you to as it gives some more background and tells the amazing story of how Hannah came to be in our lives.
Lessons for Hannah are short, very useful, and sometimes comical lessons, that I want to share with you and give to Hannah to help in your lives. Because I want Hannah to have these for her life, I’m going to speak as though I am talking directly to her. These episodes are a lot of fun and if you think there is a lesson that we should include in these episodes, please don’t hesitate to send it over to us at support@misfitentrepreneur.com. We’d love to share it.
This week’s Lesson for Hannah
It is fitting that this Lessons for Hannah comes after my last one in which I shared how reality always wins. In that episode, I talked about some controversial topics and how no matter what people say, there are certain laws of the universe that will always prove true and win out over time. For example, people can tell you that you are a bird and can fly as much as they want, but if you jump off a bridge and try to fly, the law of gravity will win, and you will not fly. Well, just like reality, the truth wins out as well.
In this episode, I want to revisit some things from the last few years as the truth is now winning out. Some of these things I predicted previously, but it is important that we recognize the truth and reality. For example, it has now come out from multiple departments in the US Government including the FBI that the Covid virus was in fact leaked from the lab in Wuhan, China. For several years, people were excoriated and made pariahs for saying this was a possibility. People were even called racists. It turns out they were right.
One thing I have learned over time is that yes, reality always wins, but so does truth. But it can take a lot longer than you think it should for this to happen. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “The wheels of justice move slowly” in reference to righting wrongs. Sometimes, it can be many years before justice is found in certain crimes or situations. The truth can take a long time to get out as well.
Another example from the Covid timeframe is that many of the things people were told to do such as lockdowns in their homes, mask wearing, and even getting vaccines and boosters over and over again did not make the impact or difference that people were told they would. In February 2023, it was reported in the Lancet and many prominent news outlets such as NBC, that natural immunity from getting Covid and getting over it is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death. In fact, the study proved that natural immunity may be even better than the vaccine. Again, this was considered crazy just a year ago. People were called dangerous for stating the fact that throughout history, natural immunity has been the biggest factor in limiting the spread and effects of a virus and stopping pandemics. But, again, while it took some time, the truth wins again.
Here’s another controversial example of the truth winning. For the last 20+ years, I have heard prediction after prediction that the world is going to end and everyone is going to die from people, usually politicians or those with an agenda, due to climate change. The truth is people have been saying this forever. In the 1970’s, the world was going to end from global cooling and a new ice age. Then it was global warming in the 80’s and 90’s. When none of that stuff happened, the name of the “crisis” was changed to climate change – which was smart because the climate is always changing, so now no matter what happens, it can be used as a fear and panic inducing excuse that the world is going to end in some way. Well, guess what, the world has not ended. In fact, the current poster child for the movement, Greta Thunberg, just had to delete a tweet from a few years ago where she said the world would end due to climate change in 2023. Former Vice President, Al Gore in the late 90’s said we only had 10 years left and that Florida would be underwater due to rising oceans. Well guess what, Florida is not underwater and is booming with a lot of Al Gore’s friends living right on the ocean.
Over and over again, the truth wins when it comes to this topic. The actual science shows the temperature of the earth has barely moved in the last 100 years. Yet, every year, we only have 10 years left. Let me put this in perspective because this topic is one that is thrust on your generation by many people with agendas. The earth has been around for 4.5 billion years. 4.5 BILLION. It has gone through complete ice ages to complete scorched earth with volcanoes spewing toxic gases everywhere to meteors and comets directly hitting it and everything in between. Many species have come and gone like Dinosaurs and others. We humans have been on earth a measly 200,000 years. That is not even 1/10 of 1% of the time the earth has existed, yet we are so arrogant that we think we can destroy in our short existence. We think we are more powerful than the sun which science has proven has more power than we could even hope for when it comes to what happens in our climate. Or the moon which directly controls our tides and ocean movement as well as our climate. The truth continues to show that the predictions of these charlatans and hustlers proclaiming a crisis that never ends and constantly having to move their goal posts are not just wrong, but laughable.
Don’t get me wrong, we should do everything we can to be good stewards of our environment and take care of things, but we should do so working from truth and reality. In fact, just us breathing gives plants food through carbon dioxide and then they give us oxygen through photosynthesis is a process that helps the environment. We support each other to live. And the earth is greener now than in the past, contrary to what is promoted by these people whose real goal is their own personal gain and power – that is my opinion, but I think the truth will bear this out as time goes on as well.
Hannah, seek the truth and live in it. Know that there is only one real truth – not your truth or someone else’s. The real truth will always prevail, not matter what you tell yourself, so it is best to seek it and not fool yourself. I hope you take this lesson to heart and use it help separate truth from fiction in your life and stay firm in your principles in all areas, personal and business.
I love you,
Best Quote: Know that there is only one real truth – not your truth or someone else’s. The real truth will always prevail, not matter what you tell yourself, so it is best to seek it and not fool yourself.
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