
Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the breakthrough entrepreneurship strategies and actionable advice to accelerate your success! The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncover each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now. Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!
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Now displaying: May, 2020

The weekly podcast with serial entrepreneur, Dave M. Lukas, devoted to giving you incredibly useful and unique insight from the world's top entrepreneurs with a focus on their non-traditional methods for achieving success, their Misfit side. Misfit was created to give YOU the best, actionable advice to accelerate your success!

The show's open format and Misfit 3 concept, combined with Dave's intuitive and engaging interview style quickly uncovers each guest's key tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can start using in their lives right now.

Learn more about the show at and become a member of Misfit Nation by signing up for the Misfit Minute, the FREE weekly email with specific resources from the week's "Misfit 3," and actionable tips and items from the world of Misfit Entrepreneurs. It is delivered every Friday to your inbox!

May 27, 2020

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Carol Little. Carol is a top public speaker and founder of the Little Training Company, a company devoted to helping people learn how to make a memorable first impression and take their public speaking to new levels. She works with professionals and entrepreneurs throughout the world helping them to craft their message and deliver it in the best way to their target audiences.

But, that is second to what I want to speak with Carol about today. You see, more recently, Carol lost everything to a natural disaster, and through ingenuity, determination, and hard work, she came back and has built and even better business and life for herself. There are so many entrepreneurs experiencing what Carol went through right now across the world, so I could not think of a better person to come and share how she came back from losing it all and what she learned along the way. ​ ​

In 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. Carol’s entire neighborhood flooded. Carol has to leave everything to save herself. Harvey was the event that changed her life. There is life before Harvey and life after. She lost everything she owned.

In the aftermath, she was faced with questioning herself, asking, “It’s it not about who I am, but who I want to be.” And she had to make a choice. Everything had to be rebuilt.

She made strategic changes to her business and how she works, and who she serves. What started out as a tragedy ended in a victory because the lessons learned through her experience have prepared her to succeed and overcome anything.

Can you describe the decimation that took place with Harvey and in your life? It’s best to listen at the 5 min mark…

  • It was nothing like she had experienced being from California.
  • Her neighborhood wasn’t in the flood zone and did not have flood insurance.
  • But the officials decided to open the dam and flood her neighborhood. No one was spared.
  • Carol was taking care of her mother who was in a wheel chair at the time.
  • They had to carry her upstairs to get her up to safety.
  • The water started coming in the middle of the night and the sounds were horrifying.
  • Carol called 911 at midnight and they were not rescued until 11am the next day.
  • 4.5 feet of water came into home. The boat to rescue could go to the front door.
  • They were taken to a shelter and eventually lived with a family friend for 2 weeks.
  • Carol shares that it’s not just your house that floods. There are no banks, grocery stores, gas stations, etc. everything was flooded. Some places got 10+ ft. of water.
  • Carol said she was naïve that she thought she could just clean up after the water, but everything is destroyed – everything has to be stripped, belonging and appliances have to be thrown out.
  • Your sense of security and safety gets lost. Everything Carol had worked so hard to build was gone in an instant. ​

Talk about losing your business in the midst of this….

  • Carol had speaking engagement and trainings but could not go.
  • The airport was closed.
  • She literally didn’t have clothes or even underwear for days.
  • And with everything that happened, work was the last thing on her mind.

Was there a point where you hit a bottom in going through this? How did you get yourself back up and keep going?

  • Carol laughs as she says she so many times it was like a bouncing ball.
  • It was a year and half before contractors could even get to her house to start redoing it.
  • Her first bottom was after the people who had come to help had to leave and all that was left was Carol and her destroyed home. She just lost it and broke down. It all finally set in.
  • Carol says that in times like this, you find out what you are really made of.
  • She tells the story of when someone called her a “victim” and she could not take it. She said “No, my house flooded, but I am not a victim.”
  • Being a victim is a choice.
  • You can feel like things are forced on you like a Hurricane or Pandemic, but even in those situations, you are not victim unless you choose to be.
  • Many times, people play the role of a victim because there is comfort in that. You can’t play the victim to reach the level of success you want.
  • There is only 1 thing that no one can take from you – your ability to choose.

At the 18 min mark, Carol takes us through the timeline and actions she took to put her life and business back together…

  • First, she got stable. She had to find a place to live and get her mom safe.
  • She didn’t have a “plan.”
  • She put one step in front of the other.
  • She started working her way back into her business.
  • The most important work she had to do to be successful was on herself.
  • Carol had to become OK asking for help and to find.
  • Carol started making a list of everything she found that was lost. It helped her to focus on what she did have. It gave her a feeling of control.
  • Carol’s “Found List” was an anchor.
  • Sometimes, you have to be your worst, so you can be your best…
  • Halfway through the rebuilding process, Carol’s mom passed away.
  • She kept trying to hold it together putting on a good face. But, it wasn’t helping her. It was making it worse. Eventually, she could not keep it together and imploded from the inside out.
  • Things got very tough as Carol was at her worst for a while – things got messy- but this showed her where she needed to work.
  • It is ok not to be perfect or always be strong. It’s OK to need help.
  • Carol had kept the best of herself trapped by trying to be so strong and independent.

Now that you’ve gone through this and come back, what really matters and what are you during the pandemic to succeed?

  • What matters most now is service. So many came out to help Carol during her time of need and now it’s her turn to pay it back.
  • Carol is able to serve and coach people during their tough times now and help them overcome the same types of challenges.
  • It used to be more about making money – now, it is more about serving. The focus used to be more on the end result and now, it is on the process itself.
  • And the big lesson Carol learned is that all of that end result stuff that money buys can be washed away and destroyed in a moment. It can be gone in the blink of an eye.
  • The real gold is in the now – it’s in each moment.

What are you seeing out there right now that people need?

  • People are in fear.
  • They are in fear for their health, their finances, their livelihood, their family, etc.
  • The pandemic has created a space to deal with the “things that are in the way” of where they want to go or the level they want to get to.
  • Now is the time to deal with it and you can come out of this pandemic to succeed at a higher level than before.
  • People don’t take the time to slow down or don’t want to confront and deal with debilitating thought patterns or major obstacles holding them back.
  • And even in confronting these things, you need a way to hold yourself accountable, so you don’t slip backward. Whether that is a coach or some other support system, it’s needed.
  • It’s really easier to fail and people tend to take the path of least resistance. It’s the unknown that scares them – failure is known, success is the unknown.

The skills of making a first impression and messaging is going to be very important coming out of lockdown. How can we do our best in these areas?

  • Authenticity has been so overused and has become cliché, but as scary as it can be, you want people to see who you really are.
  • People will hide in plain site. It is terrifying for most people to just stand in a room full of people and be seen for who they really are.
  • If people cannot see you for who you really are, then they cannot hear you either. They won’t care what you have to say.
  • You must eliminate the ways that you hide. Let people see who you are. You won’t be for everybody and that is OK.

How does someone articulate in the best way possible who they are and what they want and stand out?

  • People miss the opportunity of the “introduction.”
  • You must be memorable.
  • It’s important to tell someone who you are and who you serve and how you help them in an introduction.
  • Don’t just say what you do or job title.
  • When it comes to messaging use MESSAGE as an acronym for the elements needed
    • M is for Me – telling who you are. It is not your resume. Start strong using a story or a quote or ask a question that your talk will answer.
    • E is for engagement – this speaks to getting your audience involved. Make the audience part of the conversation.
    • S is for social proof. This is showing what qualifies you to have the expertise.
    • S is for stories. Tell stories, they are the heart of your speech.
    • A is for action steps. You always want to let them know what to do next. Action items.
    • G is for giveaways. Giveaway an e-book or something.
    • E is for ending. End as strong as you began and ask for what you want.


Best Quote: "It’s it not about who I am, but who I want to be. That is a question everyone must answer at some point.”


Carol's Misfit 3:

Don’t be a hoarder. Share your gifts, skills, talents, and ideas. Put them into the world. The more you hoard the less you have.

Don’t argue for your limitations. Stop giving all the reasons you cannot do something. Argue for what you can do something. Argue for your liberation.

Stop struggling and allow yourself to rise. Struggle is an energy that can keep you from getting what you want to achieve. It’s like quicksand.


Show Sponsors:

Bubble:  www.Bubble.IO/Misfit promo code Misfit

5 Minute Journal:


May 20, 2020

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Mathew Nemer. Matt is the co-founder of GetLinus.IO, a fintech company that is changing the game when it comes to what banking is and getting great returns on your savings. Linus pays over 57 times that national average interest on clients’ accounts and is able to do so by taking advantage of blockchain technology and the decentralized, digital asset credit markets. Don’t worry if that went a little over your head, because Mathew explains it a lot better and simpler than me.

The important thing I want to discuss today is the future of banking and finance and how companies like Linus are at the forefront. And we are also going to discuss how Mathew was able to get a rag tag group of IBM’ers, former founders, and top software execs to join his crew and make Linus a reality.

Matt’s career was launched in 2008. He started with a wealth management firm/hedge fund and hustled to make a name for himself. With all the carnage happening in the markets, he knew that the firm probably wouldn’t keep him, so he went to grad school and finished tops in his class. He worked at Chicago Board of Trade during school in the grain pits.

He then worked at Morningstar in 2012 as analyst. He started his first startup in 2012. As he says, he didn’t know what he was doing. It didn’t pan out. He then moved to Nashville and took a job with Vanderbilt University. It was at this time, he started to learn about Blockchain and Bitcoin and started following it.

In 2016, he noticed that BTC Media was gaining steam and Bitcoin meetups were becoming more common. He started doing work on the side for people doing ICO’s to get his feet wet. He then worked for BTC Media as their CFO. He was recruited by some other companies in the space and pitched an idea to one of them and landed with a crypto wallet company. This is where he met his business partner, who worked at IBM in the blockchain area. They were working on ideas on the side and decided to build the idea of Linus on their own. They got funding and put the pieces of the team together.

At the 10:30 mark, Matt and I discuss our current money system to set a baseline for what he does at Linus. (It’s best to just listen)

How does Linus work?

  • It is a cash deposit account, similar to a high yield savings accounts.
  • The difference is that Linus gives 4%+ interest. T
  • hey can do this by tapping into the digital asset credit markets outside the FED system.
  • Borrowers in these markets will pay higher interest to borrow US dollars.
  • Linus is considered a Fintech company.
  • They only deal with fiat dollars (like the US dollars), but use a blockchain concept.
  • The platform does the conversion of fiat to crypto assets and handles the lending process.
  • It functions like a bank account and you can deposit or withdrawal any time you want.

Break it down for us all to understand…

  • There are people that need USD to purchase cryptocurrencies and are willing to pay more interest for the ability to do.
  • Linus helps to provide this money. It is similar to a money market type of account.
  • It is a global market that Linus taps into.
  • Because people are willing to pay higher rates for the money, the amount Linus can pay customers is higher.
  • The borrowers put up collateral and have to store more collateral in escrow with Linus than they borrow, so that Linus has claim to it if they don’t pay.

How do you address that you are not FDIC protected, etc.?

  • Linus is outside the FED system, so it would not participate.
  • Linus does not do fractional reserve banking, so it would not apply to them anyway and they would not get approved.
  • The FDIC doesn’t even currently have to a reserve ratio because of the CARES act.
  • Matt says that if you do truly feel you need to know that the money is there no matter what in the matter of 3-6 months, then invest in something like a Marcus account.
  • If you are looking for a solution between traditional low interest savings accounts and investing in the markets, which carries minimal risk, Linus or a solution like it may be a good option for you.

At the 27 min mark, Matt talks about risk and the “efficient frontier.”

What else should we know about blockchain and the emerging digital ecosystems?

  • Matt is a big fan of Bitcoin and Etherium
  • Linus is built on the Etherium ecosystem.
  • Bitcoin is the largest and most widely used.
  • Bitcoin is more like gold in that it is a deflationary currency – it is predictable like gold.
  • There is a limit to amount of Bitcoin that can ever exist. It is finite.
  • A lot of people haven’t notice that most of the big players and banks are going into cryptocurrency and positioning themselves to be the players in the space.

At the 34 min mark, Matt shares the example of JP Morgan getting into crypto and creating it’s own stable coin (digital dollars).

  • The technologies JP Morgan/Chase and others are using are the same ones Linus is, so it confirms they are headed in the right direction.

What have you learned so far in this venture about entrepreneurship?

  • It is an interesting time to be an entrepreneur because ideas can grow so well.
  • We need to be careful not to get stuck in the day to day.
  • Take a step back and look at the longer-term opportunities.
  • It’s important embrace the digital world and interact with people as much as possible and in every way possible during this time.

“The best thing you can do in your life an career is put blinders on. Don’t waste energy worrying about things you cannot control.”

How were you able to get a team of top talent like you have pulled together for Linus?

  • The best place to start is with like-minded people.
  • Network through friends and those you work with currently.
  • Be open to people that are unique and have other skills sets or experience that lends it to succeeding in your business. Even if they don’t have experience in the business you are in. ​

What is your best advice for an entrepreneur starting today?

  • Put on blinders
  • Find joy in other things.
  • Don’t forget to learn lessons from all areas of your life.
  • Practice passive thinking. Sometimes synapsis fire and connect better when you are away from your business.


Best Quote: "The best thing you can do in your life an career is put blinders on. Don’t waste energy worrying about things you cannot control."


Matt's Misfit 3:

  1. Be yourself. It sounds cliché, but it is actually really hard to put into practice.
  2. Grow your network. You will owe a lot of people a lot of favors. Do your best to repay them.
  3. Persistence is king. You cannot give up.

Show Sponsors:

Mint Mobile:

5 Minute Journal:


May 13, 2020

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Dylan Jacob. Dylan has a incredible story. He’s already built and sold multiple companies, has built his current company, Brumate, to over $50 million in sales in just a few short years with less than 10 employees and no outside capital, he’s been awarded Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the Midwest, is a Forbes 30 under 30 recipient…and he’s only in his mid-20’s.

But, he didn’t start out with anything handed to him. In fact, quite the opposite and his path went through a lot of twists and turns, but one thing was constant – he was an entrepreneur from a young age. A Misfit Entrepreneur. And true to Misfit form, he’s used his inner Misfit to bootstrap companies and create whole new markets. I’m excited for our conversation today and know that your going to get some great takeaways from him.

@Dylan.Jacob on Instagram for updates and keeping up with Dylan’s story

Dylan grew up in a small town in Indiana. There wasn’t much to do. His childhood consisted of him looking for and finding things to do. He always wanted to be an inventor, so he would tinker and create things. He grew up poor and his parents split with he was in 4th grade. His mom was working for minimum wage. He had been home-schooled prior and thus 4th grade was his first year in traditional school. Of course, having next to nothing, he would see other kids with things he wanted to get.

So, he started doing everything he could to make money to buy things and not burden his mom. He did everything from yard work to odds and ends jobs for people. This made him realize that if could provide value, he could get paid for it.

In 7th and 8th grade, trying to fit in and gain acceptance led him to hanging with the wrong crowd. He was expelled twice. He was an entrepreneur, but not in the right way. He sold drugs (weed). It wrecked his life. He was expelled, when to juvenile detention for several months and was put on house arrest. His mom had to pay for everything and it hurt their family.

It was at this time that Dylan took a step back to reexamine his life and looked for legal ways to make money to pay back all the costs of his trouble. He took a nod from his grandfather who had come over from the middle east and started fixing things like TV’s and VCR’s, etc. and had a little shop. As Dylan went into High School, people were getting smart phones and would damage them or break screens. Instead of repairing them, Dylan would buy them cheap, fix them up, and sell them on Craig’s List. He would order the parts from overseas and resell them. This was his first taste of making real money.

This started Dylan’s career of finding unique opportunities in gaps in markets. Big gaps.

As sophomore year started competition in the form of repair shops started to come in and he was doing less business because people were getting their phone fixed. But Dylan found another gap – He got to know the others of the repair shops and where they were getting their repair parts. They were ordering from E-bay and Amazon and getting B and C grade parts, not OEM parts that were A-grade. Dylan made deals to supply better parts from the connections he had made and was using. He made the competitors his new clients.

By senior year, Dylan’s business was working with over 100 repair shops around the U.S. doing hundreds of thousands of dollars. The funny thing was he still held to this theory of wanting stability and a job in life and decided to go to college for engineering. As he says, he “didn’t quite believe in himself as an entrepreneur.” He had gone from being expelled to being top 10 in his class with a thriving business – but still thought he needed a job!

During Christmas break of his first year, a larger franchise ended up putting Dylan’s repair parts in the bulk of their stores and then shortly after gave him a buyout offer. He took the deal and took the semester off. Once he saw the money is his bank account, it was a reality check. There was something to entrepreneurship.

He decided to put school on hold and go full time as an entrepreneur. He bought a house to fix up and as he began to fix it up over the course of a year. He kept a journal and would jot down ideas they came up. One idea came to him while fixing the house. It came out of the need for a better selection of kitchen backsplash tile. There was hardly any selection and none of the options, he liked. So, he saw the need for more options, specifically glass backsplash. Vicci Design was launched in 2015 and provided the largest color selection and size of glass tile available. Over a year, he knocked on doors and local showrooms and started working with Wayfair and Overstock. It was profitable from day one. He was still doing side hustles and launching other businesses during this time.

He turned 21 in 2016 and started to love craft beer. And most of it came in 16 oz cans. He’d notice that always the last ¼ of his beer was warm. It drove him nuts, so he wrote in his journal, “Find a way to keep beer cold.” That was the beginning of Brumate.

He started looking at the stainless steel insulated drinkware market. In 2016, it was the fastest growing category in the housewares market. All the major players were focused on hydration drinkware. It was all about water bottles or coffee. Dylan decided to create the products for the “dehydration” market – making drinking alcohol a better experience. It was huge gap that no one else was doing and ignoring.

His first launch on the concept sold out in a couple weeks.

Dylan’s story has a lot of teachable moments…

  • There is opportunity in everything you do.
  • Don’t give up on an idea.
  • Asking how and finding a way and making a way.
  • Looking for the gap, opening the niche, and owning it.

It’s one thing to have an idea for a product, it’s another thing to create it. How do you source and get a product done?

  • If you can source locally, it’s better.
  • It won’t be cheaper, but will be better.
  • In Dylan’s case, he could not find a manufacture in the U.S. capable of producing insulated drinkware.
  • He worked with a company in New York to take his designs and get a protype type 3D printed.
  • He looked up records of competitors or like companies on Port Examiner to see who their manufacturers were.
  • He contacted them to see which would be the right fit and new they had experience producing the kind of product he wanted.
  • It was important to have a manufacturer that had a very strong in-house engineering team – it was the best thing he ever did. They helped him take his concept and make it manufacturable from day one.
    • Many times the engineering is free as part of their service.

What can you tell us about selling online once you have a product?

  • Dylan’s has used Shopify for his sites.
  • He started with creating a landing page with pictured of people holding the product. He collected emails of people who opted in with interest for when he launched the product. This was the group that was the first round of buyers.
  • What worked for Dylan was showcasing the product in real life situations. He photoshopped it into pictures.
  • Dylan scaled the company to a little over a million before beginning to hire a focused, in-house team.
  • Customer service is another part of marketing as it is a retention tool. So a lot of emphasis was put there as well.
  • Messaging is key and will be different for every product or service. You must try as many times as needed to figure this out.

At the 43 min mark, Dylan discusses some unique ways he figures out what is in demand.

What was the tipping point? $50 million+ in 4 years – what was the inflection point?

  • Q4 2016 did over $300k in product selling out.
  • He put his up for sale, sold Vicci, and got as much cash as he could putting every penny into Brumate.
  • His biggest challenge was cashflow and keeping stocks.
  • He would be out of stock for months and have to take pre-orders.
  • Once there was enough cashflow to sustain inventory and outsourced fulfillment, things really started to take off.
  • He was then able to focus on marketing full time with the team he was building.
  • Basically, the company now is really just a marketing company for the product, everything else is outsourced.
  • This took them from $2 million to $20 million in the next year.

Constant innovation and testing is critical to staying on the forefront of product creation and growing the market.


Best Quote:  Your biggest opportunity is what your competition is failing at or not servicing with their products.


Dylan's Misfit 3:

  1. Your biggest opportunity is what your competition is failing at or not servicing with their products.
  2. As a founder, focus on what you are very good at. Stay in your lane.
  3. Outsource to scale and grow. Fill your team with those that are best in class in their own categories that compliment you.


Show Sponsors:

Bubble:  www.Bubble.IO/Misfit promo code Misfit

5 Minute Journal:


May 6, 2020

This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Mark Given. Mark is a philosopher, teacher and speaker and travels extensively helping companies, organizations, associations, educators, and individuals understand the science of building, maintaining and repairing TRUST.

He is the founder of the Trust Based Philosophy and the Trust Based Academy and best-selling author of 8 books about Trust.

He’s started and sold multiple companies and built a global brand and I’ve asked him on today to share his best wisdom on how to create, build, and grow trust as I think it is one of the most important currencies we have as entrepreneurs – and I also think it will be especially important as we get back to doing business as the global pandemic subsides.


Mark has had transformations throughout his career. He graduated from college with a music performance degree, but always wanted to be in business for himself. After traveling for music for a while, he decided to get into business doing a short stint in insurance. He then opened a small retail video rental store in 1980. He started long before Blockbuster and others. He focused on opening stores in towns with 25,000 or less people. He grew it to over 47 location in a 24 year period. He had the vision to see the changes coming with streaming and movies moving to online and sold the business long before others got out or went out of business.

He did very well on the transaction and then started into the real estate industry. But, really loved working with people and helping them. He realized that he operated for much of his life and career on a specific concept of trust. He realized that no one was teaching any science behind why trust works and how to build, maintain, and repair it. Trust is the foundation, but it’s more than just a philosophy.

Define what trust is….

  • Trust is not a feeling
  • It is something we know when see it and we know when we don’t.
  • We see it in body language, facial expressions, etc.
  • Trust is the foundation of whether we want to associate with a business or a person. If we trust them and believe in them, we will continue a relationship and do business with them.
  • It is a principle, not a concept.
  • It’s important to know why you or other trust. The how and the why is critical to understand trust.

What are the 4 Facets of Trust?

  1. Grand Opening: This is your first appearance or introduction. Instead of the standard 2 step greeting of “Hi, I’m…” to a 3 step greeting of using the word “you” twice before you introduce yourself.
  2. Rapport: Ask really good questions that resonate really good questions with the people you are speaking with. It is about asking and listening. Ask better questions and really listen.
  3. Maintenance: Be a giver, not a taker.
  4. Apology: We all make mistakes. It is how we handle that mistake that matters most. We must apologize properly to build, maintain, and repair trust.

At the 13 min mark, Mark gives examples of each?

  • Grand Opening: Use the 3 step greeting. It needs to be about them and not you. The key is to include the word “you” in how you greet someone. “It’s nice to see you today. Thank you for taking the time speak with me.” Then you can talk about yourself. The formula is “you, you, I.”
  • Rapport: People like to talk about themselves and are interested in their needs. Ask them questions to give them the opportunity to speak about themselves. The principles of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” are just as relevant today as they were in the 40’s.
    • Use FORD:
    • Family
    • Occupation
    • Recreation
    • Dreams “
    • You cannot solve someone’s problems unless you know what their problems are and you’ll never understand what their problems are unless you are listening and get them to tell you.”
  • Maintenance: Giving more and take less. Be generous. When you are a sincere giver, you give with the intent to serve and help someone else succeed without concern for what you get in return. Examples including checking in on those you care about and seeing it you can help them. You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough others get what they want.
  • Apology: There is a system for apologizing the right way. 4 steps
  • Recognize that you have made a mistake
  • Admit and recognize the fact that you did make a mistake to those affected.
  • Reconcile and determine how you can make things better.
  • Tell those affect that you will not let it happen again and then deliver on that promise.
  • Understand that you need patience as it will take time for people to come back around.

How do entrepreneurs go about establishing trust and asking people to buy our products and services in the “new normal” coming out of quarantine?

  • How we interact with people will change because of social distancing.
  • We will need to listen and watch even more to how we need to deliver our products/services.
  • It is going to be harder to earn trust. People will be more sensitive to it.
  • Being a giver is more important than ever.
  • People are going to be craving the truth even more and will be OK with it, even if it is bad news – they just want the transparency upfront.

How do you see the Trust Based Leader in all this?

  • Managers are not the same as leaders. They are responsible for getting tasks done.
  • Leaders have a different role. They have a vision for the future.
  • They inspire people to follow them to make it reality.
  • Great leaders inspire people to be their best and/or become their best.
  • Great leaders are inherently trusted because their ability to inspire and bring people alongside them to where they are going.

Best advice in managing the stress of these times and ongoing?

  • There is always stress – it’s how we deal with it that matters.
  • The habits that you have throughout the day are the things you can use to put in place systems and principles to help you reduce stress.
  • It takes great habits
  • It takes focus
  • It takes knowing and being OK with your reality. ​

7.5 Things to Thrive in the Next 3 Years?

  • Decide what you want. Where do you see yourself? (Vision)
  • Create the plan to get to what you want and are seeing. (Mission)
  • Know the cost – what is going to take to get what you want.
  • Do not let anyone try and steal your possibilities and dreams.
  • Get to work.


Best Quote: “Trust is the foundation, but it’s more than just a philosophy.”​


Mark's Misfit 3:

  1. Legacy. No matter what we do, we are leaving a legacy. What do you want yours to be?
  2. Transparency and spirituality. Be transparent with others and be in tune with yourself and the universe.
  3. Authenticity and Productivity. What you see is what you get. Be yourself because everyone else is already taken. Be positively productive.

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5 Minute Journal: